function [K] = kernel(kerxy)
% Calculate kernel function.
% x: 输入样本d×n1的矩阵n1为样本个数d为样本维数
% y: 输入样本d×n2的矩阵n2为样本个数d为样本维数
% ker 核参数(结构体变量)
% the following fields:
% type - linear : k(xy) = x‘*y
% poly : k(xy) = (x‘*y+c)^d
% gauss : k(xy) = exp(-0.5*(norm(x-y)/s)^2)
% tanh : k(xy) = tanh(g*x‘*y+c)
% degree - Degree d of polynomial kernel (positive scalar).
% offset - Offset c of polynomial and tanh kernel (scalar negative for tanh).
% width - Width s of Gauss kernel (positive scalar).
% gamma - Slope g of the tanh kernel (positive scalar).
% ker = struct(‘type‘‘linear‘);
% ker = struct(‘type‘‘ploy‘‘degree‘d‘offset‘c);
% ker = struct(‘type‘‘gauss‘‘width‘s);
% ker = struct(‘type‘‘tanh‘‘gamma‘g‘offset‘c);
% K: 输出核参数n1×n2的矩阵
switch ker.type
case ‘linear‘
K = x‘*y;
case ‘ploy‘
d = ker.degree;
c = ker.offset;
K = (x‘*y+c).^d;
case ‘gauss‘
s = ker.width;
rows = size(x2);
cols = size(y2);
tmp = zeros(rowscols);
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:cols
tmp(ij) = norm(x(:i)-y(:j));
K = exp(-0.5*(tmp/s).^2);
case ‘tanh‘
g = ker.gamma;
c = ker.offset;
K = tanh(g*x‘*y+c);
K = 0;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4042 2007-12-04 12:04 svmTrain.m
文件 1035 2009-06-19 18:58 工具箱说明.txt
文件 1510 2007-07-04 15:33 kernel.m
文件 290930 2006-12-31 22:56 LIBSVM a Library for Support Vector Machines.pdf
文件 2890 2008-10-05 20:52 Main_SVC_C.m
文件 3126 2007-07-04 15:34 Main_SVC_Nu.m
文件 3116 2007-07-04 15:35 Main_SVM_One_Class.m
文件 3037 2007-12-04 12:18 Main_SVR_Epsilon.m
文件 3015 2007-12-04 12:14 Main_SVR_Nu.m
文件 4061 2007-07-04 22:11 svmSim.m
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316762 10
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- 首次提出SVM的英文论文,105页pdf
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