• 大小: 63.09MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 1
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2022-07-02
  • 语言: 其他
  • 标签: 数学建模  


Researchers have identified several island nations, such as The Maldives, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and The Marshall Islands, as being at risk of completely disappearing due to rising sea levels. What happens, or what should happen, to an island’s population when its nation’s land disappears? Not only do these environmentally displaced persons (EDPs) need to relocate, but there is also risk of losing a unique culture, language, and way of life. In this problem, we ask you to look more closely at this issue, in terms of both the need to relocate people and the protection of culture.



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     目录           0  2020-05-26 11:27  2020美赛F题数据\
     文件         663  2020-03-07 21:49  2020美赛F题数据\10个国家人口面积.txt
     文件    66499450  2020-03-06 16:05  2020美赛F题数据\WDI.xlsx
     文件       38837  2020-03-06 16:23  2020美赛F题数据\世界各国风险指数.xlsx
     文件       12845  2020-03-07 17:02  2020美赛F题数据\主要国家二氧化碳排放量.xlsx
     文件       35960  2020-03-06 16:22  2020美赛F题数据\内部冲突指数1.xlsx
     文件       22958  2020-03-06 15:30  2020美赛F题数据\各国二氧化碳排放量.xlsx
     文件       19220  2020-03-06 16:01  2020美赛F题数据\各国极端灾害风险指数1.xlsx
     文件       55293  2020-03-06 16:19  2020美赛F题数据\国家文化产业贸易额.xlsx
     文件       10080  2020-03-07 22:35  2020美赛F题数据\成为EDPs风险概率.xlsx
     文件       10383  2020-03-07 23:16  2020美赛F题数据\气候指数.xlsx
     文件       12987  2020-03-07 21:34  2020美赛F题数据\沿海国家海平面高度变化.xlsx
     文件       76610  2020-03-06 15:38  2020美赛F题数据\海平面.xlsx
     文件       63782  2020-03-06 15:38  2020美赛F题数据\陆地面积.xlsx


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