I'm glad you're here. It's about time we talked about machine learning.
Machine learning is no longer just a buzzword, it is all around us: from protecting your
email, to automatically tagging friends in pictures, to predicting what movies you like. As a
subfield of data science, machine learning enables computers to learn through experience:
to make predictions about the future using collected data from the past.
And the amount of data to be analyzed is enormous! Current estimates put the daily
amount of produced data at 2.5 exabytes (or roughly 1 billion gigabytes). Can you believe
it? This would be enough data to fill up 10 million blu-ray discs, or amount to 90 years of
HD video. In order to deal with this vast amount of data, companies such as Google,
Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook have been heavily investing in the development of data
science platforms that allow us to benefit from machine learning wherever we go—scaling
from your mobile phone application all the way to supercomputers connected through the
- Learning-OpenCV-3_examples.zip
- Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenC
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- 钢琴行网站模板
- OpenCV3.2.0稳定版调用包
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- zw_OpenCV-2.3.1-win-superpack.part3.zip
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- openCV1.0.rar
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- openCV_1.0及2.0版本使用的Lib和Dll文件
- MLAPP中文版(前十章).zip
- 《面向对象设计UML实践 第2版》高清版
l+XSL/FO生成PDF文件Demo - OpenCV人脸识别-3.0
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- zw_摄像头实时监控与报警系统Opencv.
- UCML文档合集安装、手册、指南、
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- 晶晨Amlogic_S922X_Public_Datasheet_V0.2
- 基于OpenCV的计算机视觉技术实现
- LearningOpenCV.7z
- Opencv manager
- 学习opencv中文版+英文版PDF电子书+原书
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