OpenCV实现的图像2D转3D Image-2D-to-3D.rar 图像2D转3D,基于VS2015+opencv。可以实现2d图像转3d图像的功能
% Converts the 2009 basel Face Model (BFM [1]) to a binary file that can be
% directly read byte for byte in C++. The workflow is to feed this
% generated “raw“ binary file into the bfm-binary-to-cereal app which
% reads this binary byte for byte and converts it to a cereal .bin file
% that is then readable by eos.
% [1]: A 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face
% Recognition P. Paysan R. Knothe B. Amberg S. Romdhani and T. Vetter
% AVSS 2009.
% http://faces.cs.unibas.ch/bfm/main.php?nav=1-0&id=basel_face_model
% Developer notes:
% - The BFM data type is single SFM is double
% - The BFM Matlab file contains the “unnormalised“ orthonormal basis
% (as do the Surrey .scm files).
% - Domains:
% Colour: BFM: [0 255] SFM: [0 1].
% Shape: BFM: in mm (e.g. 50000) SFM: in cm e.g. 50.
% (Note: I think that‘s wrong since we have to divide by 1000.)
% - The BFM doesn‘t have any texture coordinates.
function [] = convert_bfm2009_to_raw_binary(bfm_file binary_out_file)
if (~exist(‘bfm_file‘ ‘var‘))
bfm_file = ‘D:/Github/data/bfm/PublicMM1/01_MorphableModel.mat‘;
if (~exist(‘binary_out_file‘ ‘var‘))
binary_out_file = ‘bfm.raw‘;
bfm = load(bfm_file);
f = fopen(binary_out_file ‘w‘);
fwrite(f size(bfm.shapeMU 1) ‘int32‘); % num vertices times 3
fwrite(f size(bfm.shapePC 2) ‘int32‘); % number of basis vectors
% Write the shape mean:
for i=1:size(bfm.shapeMU 1)
fwrite(f bfm.shapeMU(i) ‘float‘);
% Write the unnormalised shape PCA basis matrix:
% All of basis 1 will be written first then basis 2 etc.
for basis=1:size(bfm.shapePC 2)
for j=1:size(bfm.shapePC 1) % all data points of the basis
fwrite(f bfm.shapePC(j basis) ‘float‘);
% Write the shape eigenvalues:
for i=1:size(bfm.shapeEV 1)
fwrite(f bfm.shapeEV(i) ‘float‘);
% Write num_triangles and the triangle list:
fwrite(f size(bfm.tl 1) ‘int32‘);
for i=1:size(bfm.tl 1)
fwrite(f bfm.tl(i 1) ‘int32‘);
fwrite(f bfm.tl(i 2) ‘int32‘);
fwrite(f bfm.tl(i 3) ‘int32‘);
% Now just exactly the same for the colour (albedo) model:
fwrite(f size(bfm.texMU 1) ‘int32‘); % num vertices times 3
fwrite(f size(bfm.texPC 2) ‘int32‘); % number of basis vectors
% Write the colour mean:
for i=1:size(bfm.texMU 1)
fwrite(f bfm.texMU(i) ‘float‘);
% Write the unnormalised colour PCA basis matrix:
% All of basis 1 will be written first then basis 2 etc.
for basis=1:size(bfm.texPC 2)
for j=1:size(bfm.texPC 1) % all data points of the basis
fwrite(f bfm.texPC(j basis) ‘float‘);
% Write the colour eigenvalues:
for i=1:size(bfm.texEV 1)
fwrite(f bfm.texEV(i) ‘float‘);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 180154 2016-11-11 17:44 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\current_merged.isomap.png
文件 61 2016-11-11 17:44 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\current_merged.mtl
文件 382432 2016-11-11 17:44 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\current_merged.obj
文件 901632 2016-11-11 17:37 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\fit-model.dll
文件 837462 2016-09-09 00:33 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\haar_roboman_ff_alt2.xm
文件 5466 2016-11-11 17:37 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\fit-model.lib
文件 1312394 1998-05-13 00:00 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\GLAUX.LIB
文件 281360 2006-03-04 03:19 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\glew32.lib
文件 1929072 2016-10-12 14:25 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\glew32s.lib
文件 1331572 2016-10-12 15:38 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\glew32sd.lib
文件 12648 1998-05-13 00:00 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\GLU32.LIB
文件 925754 2016-05-07 16:25 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\libboost_filesystem-vc140-mt-s-1_61.lib
文件 8295554 2016-05-07 16:27 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\libboost_program_options-vc140-mt-s-1_61.lib
文件 81112 2016-05-07 16:24 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\libboost_system-vc140-mt-s-1_61.lib
文件 283124 2016-10-19 13:37 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\opencv_calib3d310.lib
文件 655854 2016-10-19 10:32 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\opencv_core310.lib
文件 175428 2016-10-19 12:04 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\opencv_imgcodecs310.lib
文件 277898 2016-10-19 10:47 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\opencv_imgproc310.lib
文件 250430 2016-10-19 12:07 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\lib\opencv_objdetect310.lib
文件 1805312 2016-10-19 13:37 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_calib3d310.dll
文件 9763328 2016-10-19 10:32 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_core310.dll
文件 1010688 2016-10-19 13:37 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_features2d310.dll
文件 979456 2016-10-19 13:40 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_flann310.dll
文件 2966528 2016-10-19 12:04 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_imgcodecs310.dll
文件 20957696 2016-10-19 10:48 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_imgproc310.dll
文件 949248 2016-10-19 13:37 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_ml310.dll
文件 1118720 2016-10-19 12:07 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_objdetect310.dll
文件 600576 2016-10-19 12:06 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\opencv_videoio310.dll
文件 1048630 2016-11-11 17:44 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\output\out.isomap.bmp
文件 50 2016-11-11 17:44 图片转3D-vs2015源码\bin\output\out.mtl
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