The purpose of this document is to provide useful information on how is or-
ganized and how use the Empirical Wavelet Transform Toolbox (EWTT), not
to explain what are the principles of the Empirical Wavelet Transform. In this
document, we assume that the reader knows what is the EWT and how it works.
If it is not the case, I advise you to read the papers
function [ewtmfbboundaries]=EWT1D(fparams)
% =========================================================================
% function [ewtmfbboundaries]=EWT1D(fparams)
% Perform the Empirical Wavelet Transform of f over Nscale scales. See
% also the documentation of EWT_Boundaries_Detect for more details about
% the available methods and their parameters.
% Inputs:
% -f: the input signal
% -params: structure containing the following parameters:
% -params.log: 0 or 1 to indicate if we want to work with
% the log spectrum
% -params.preproc: ‘none‘‘plaw‘‘poly‘‘morpho‘tophat‘
% -params.method: ‘locmax‘‘locmaxmin‘‘locmaxminf‘‘adaptive‘
% ‘adaptivereg‘‘scalespace‘
% -params.reg: ‘none‘‘gaussian‘‘average‘‘closing‘
% -params.lengthFilter: width of the above filters
% -params.sigmaFilter: standard deviation of the above Gaussian
% filter
% -params.N: maximum number of supports
% -params.degree: degree of the polynomial (needed for the
% polynomial approximation preprocessing)
% -params.completion: 0 or 1 to indicate if we try to complete
% or not the number of modes if the detection
% find a lower number of mode than params.N
% -params.InitBounds: vector of initial bounds (in index domain)
% needed for the adaptive and adaptivereg methods
% -params.typeDetect: (for scalespace method only) ‘otsu‘
% ‘halfnormal‘‘empiricallaw‘‘mean‘‘kmeans‘
% Outputs:
% -ewt: cell containing first the low frequency component and
% then the successives frequency subbands
% -mfb: cell containing the filter bank (in the Fourier domain)
% -boundaries: vector containing the set of boundaries corresponding
% to the Fourier line segmentation (normalized between
% 0 and Pi)
% Author: Jerome Gilles
% Institution: UCLA - Department of Mathematics
% Year: 2013
% Version: 2.0
% =========================================================================
%% Boundary detection
% We compute the Fourier transform of f
% We extract the boundaries of Fourier segments
boundaries = EWT_Boundaries_Detect(abs(ff(1:round(length(ff)/2)))params);
boundaries = boundaries*pi/round(length(ff)/2);
%% Filtering
% We extend the signal by miroring to deal with the boundaries
% We build the corresponding filter bank
% We filter the signal to extract each subband
for k=1:length(mfb)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2825 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT1D.m
文件 1732 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT_InstantaneousComponents.m
文件 1474 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT_Meyer_FilterBank.m
文件 920 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT_Meyer_Scaling.m
文件 1325 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT_Meyer_Wavelet.m
文件 93 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT_Single_filter.m
文件 162 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\EWT_beta.m
文件 1628 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\IFcleaning.m
文件 749 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\Modes_EWT1D.m
文件 841 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\1D\iEWT1D.m
文件 1442 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\AnglesLocalMax.m
文件 2182 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\AnglesLocalMaxMin.m
文件 8620 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\Angular_sector.m
文件 1288 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\CreateAngleGrid.m
文件 8376 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\EWT2D_Curvelet.m
文件 7085 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\EWT2D_Curvelet_FilterBank.m
文件 971 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\EWT2D_Curvelet_Scaling.m
文件 2674 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\EWT_Angles_Detect.m
文件 856 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Curvelet\iEWT2D_Curvelet.m
文件 3226 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Littlewood-Paley\EWT2D_LittlewoodPaley.m
文件 1529 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Littlewood-Paley\EWT2D_Meyer_FilterBank.m
文件 1011 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Littlewood-Paley\EWT2D_Meyer_Scaling.m
文件 1410 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Littlewood-Paley\EWT2D_Meyer_Wavelet.m
文件 1175 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Littlewood-Paley\EWT2D_UP_Meyer_Wavelet.m
文件 1144 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Littlewood-Paley\iEWT2D_LittlewoodPaley.m
文件 2887 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Ridgelet\EWT2D_Ridgelet.m
文件 1006 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Ridgelet\iEWT2D_Ridgelet.m
文件 3970 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Tensor\EWT2D_Tensor.m
文件 1591 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\2D\Tensor\iEWT2D_Tensor.m
文件 1629 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\Boundaries\Adaptive_Bounds_Adapt.m
文件 835 2016-12-01 01:53 EWT\Boundaries\EWT_Boundaries_Completion.m
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