int usedTimes[4096] = {0};//12b
int miniColor[4096];
在Transfer函数的最后要delete []usedTimes和delete []miniColor,

/* 原理:
The usual approach is to create an array representing a histogram of colors
and color frequencies sort the array in order of descending frequencies
and copy the first 236 colors in the array to the palette.
To keep the array size manageable the least significant 3 or 4 bits of each 8-bit color
component are normally discarded. A popularity palette generally produces better output
than a halftone palette but infrequently appearing colors that are nonetheless important
to the eye may be omitted.*/
#include “Test.h“
// 计算平P方F差C的函数
int PFC(int color1 int color2)
int xyz;
x = (color1 & 0xf) - (color2 & 0xf);
y = ((color1>>4) & 0xf) - ((color2>>4) & 0xf);
z = ((color1>>8) & 0xf) - ((color2>>8) & 0xf);
return (x*x + y*y + z*z);
// 直接插入排序
int Sort1(int *src int *attach int n)
int cur cur1;
int ijk=0;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
cur= src[i];
cur1 = attach[i];
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (cur > src[j])
src[j+1]= src[j];
attach[j+1] = attach[j];
src[j+1]= cur;
attach[j+1] = cur1;
return 0;
// 快速排序
int Sort2(int *src int *attach int n)
if (n <= 12) return Sort1(src attach n);
int low = 1 high = n - 1;
int tmp;
while (low <= high)
while (src[low] >= src[0])
if (++low > (n - 1)) break;
while (src[high] < src[0])
if (--high < 1) break;
if (low > high) break;
tmp= src[low];
src[low]= src[high];
src[high]= tmp;
tmp= attach[low];
attach[low]= attach[high];
attach[high]= tmp;
tmp= src[low - 1];
src[low - 1]= src[0];
src[0]= tmp;
tmp= attach[low - 1];
attach[low - 1]= attach[0];
attach[0]= tmp;
if (low > 1) Sort2(src attach low - 1);
if (low < n) Sort2(&src[low] &attach[low] n - low);
return 0;
// 将 24 bit 的象素颜色数据转换为 256 色图的图像数据(即索引值)
int Transfer(WORD *shortColor int BytesPerRow int bmWidth int bmHeight BYTE *out8Dib RGBQUAD *mainColor)
{// BytesPerRow may not equel bmWidth !
int usedTimes[4096] = {0};//12b
int miniColor[4096];
int ij;
for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) miniColor[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < bmWidth*bmHeight; i++)
usedTimes[shortColor[i]] ++;// get frequency
int numberOfColors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++)
if (usedTimes[i] > 0) numberOfColors++;
// 对usedTimes进行排序,排序过程中minColor数组(保存了颜色值)也作与useTimes
// 数组相似的交换
Sort2(usedTimes miniColor 4096);
// usedTimes数组中是各颜色使用频率,从高到低排列,显然第numberOfColor个之后的都为0
// miniColor数组中是相应的颜色数据
// 将前256个颜色数据保存到256色位图的调色盘中
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
mainColor[i].rgbBlue= (BYTE)((miniColor[i]>>8)<<4);
mainColor[i].rgbGreen= (BYTE)(((miniColor[i]>>4) & 0xf)<<4);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 8086 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.cpp
文件 3548 2011-12-07 14:44 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.dsp
文件 551 2011-12-05 11:52 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.dsw
文件 58368 2016-11-23 14:30 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.ncb
文件 136704 2016-11-23 14:30 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.opt
文件 1412 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.plg
文件 240 2016-11-23 14:30 真彩24位转256色\BMP_ReadWrite.positions
文件 1934336 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.bsc
文件 176239 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.exe
文件 207732 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.ilk
文件 25533 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.obj
I.A.... 4494808 2016-11-23 12:02 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.pch
文件 500736 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.pdb
文件 0 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\BMP_ReadWrite.sbr
文件 132096 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\vc60.idb
文件 77824 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug\vc60.pdb
文件 3630 2011-12-07 13:40 真彩24位转256色\test.h
文件 1582 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\testout.bmp
文件 10341 2011-12-14 11:18 真彩24位转256色\读写BMP示例.txt
目录 0 2016-11-23 12:26 真彩24位转256色\Debug
目录 0 2016-11-23 14:30 真彩24位转256色
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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