
% gnss_ins_filter_config.m %
% %
% This m-file contains all the conifiguraiton switches %
% for the GNSS/INS filter. %
% %
% Programmer: Demoz Gebre-Egziabher %
% Created: March 26 2009 %
% Last Modified: March 26 2009 %
% %
% Copywrite 2009 Demoz Gebre-Egziabher %
% License: BSD see bsd.txt for details %
% Define start and stop time in MINUTES for playback. The
% data provided is from a flighttest of 14 minutes duration.
% The variables t_start and t_end must define a time interval
% between 0 and 14 minutes.
t_start = 7;
t_end = 13.5;
% Configure the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
CLOSED_LOOP = 1; % If set to 1 a GNSS-aided
% inertial navigator is simulated.
% If set to 0 the simulation will
% be that of an unaided INS.
NO_CORIOLIS = 1; % If set to 1 coriolis acceleraitons
% are ignored in the time upadate
% equations. Should be set to 0 when
% using high grade inertial sensors and
% GNSS updates come at a slow rate.
SMALL_PROP_TIME = 1; % If set to 1 it means that the time
% between GNSS updates is small and
% thus Schuler dynamics can be
% ignored without much consequence.
% That is the approximation given by
% Equation (6.17) is used for the
% velocity propagation instead of
% Equation (6.13)
gnss_update_rate = 1; % GNSS measurement update rate in Hz.
% GPS measurement noise standard deviation
gps_pos_sigma = 3; % m (North East Down)
gps_vel_sigma = 0.2; % m/s (North East Donw)
% IMU output error covariance (Table 1 Chapter 6)
sigma_g_d = 0.3*d2r; % Standard deviation of correlated gyro bias
tau_g = 300; % Correlation time or time constant of b_{gd}
sigma_g_w = 0.95*d2r; % Standard deviation of gyro output noise
sigma_a_d = (0.5e-3)*g; % Standard deviation of Accelerometer Markov Bias
tau_a = 300; % Correlation time or time constant of b_{ad}
sigma_a_w = 0.12*g;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\
目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\
目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\
文件 1446 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\bsd.txt
文件 1506894 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\flight_data.mat
文件 3075 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\gnss_ins_EKF_config.m
文件 1263 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\gnss_ins_EKF_constants.m
文件 2101 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\gnss_ins_EKF_data_loader.m
文件 17188 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\gnss_ins_EKF_loose_integration.m
文件 4212 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\MATLAB\plot_EKF_output.m
目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\
文件 1446 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\bsd.txt
文件 1506894 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\flight_data.mat
文件 3075 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\gnss_ins_EKF_config.m
文件 1263 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\gnss_ins_EKF_constants.m
文件 2262 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\gnss_ins_EKF_data_loader.m
文件 17038 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\gnss_ins_EKF_loose_integration.m
文件 4212 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\Octave\plot_EKF_output.m
文件 12401 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_1\readme_case_1.pdf
目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\
目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\
目录 0 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\New_Data\
文件 223080 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\New_Data\TRAJECTORY_A.mat
文件 74636 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\New_Data\TRAJECTORY_A_FILTER_ARCHITECTURE_P.mat
文件 285562 2014-08-21 17:47 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\New_Data\TRAJECTORY_B.mat
文件 76434 2014-08-21 17:47 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\New_Data\TRAJECTORY_B_FILTER_ARCHITECTURE_P.mat
文件 1446 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\bsd.txt
文件 3114 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\case_study_2_wrapper.m
文件 13522 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\gen_traj_sensor_data.m
文件 11803 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\gnss_ins_EKF_2D.m
文件 5257 2014-08-19 08:48 GNSS_INS\Case_Study_2\MATLAB\plot_EKF_results.m
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