* @file system_stm32f4xx.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.4.0
* @date 04-August-2014
* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access layer System Source File.
* This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices.
* 1. This file provides two functions and one global variable to be called from
* user application:
* - SystemInit(): Setups the system clock (System clock source PLL Multiplier
* and Divider factors AHB/APBx prescalers and Flash settings)
* depending on the configuration made in the clock xls tool.
* This function is called at startup just after reset and
* before branch to main program. This call is made inside
* the “startup_stm32f4xx.s“ file.
* - SystemCoreClock variable: Contains the core clock (HCLK) it can be used
* by the user application to setup the SysTick
* timer or configure other parameters.
* - SystemCoreClockUpdate(): Updates the variable SystemCoreClock and must
* be called whenever the core clock is changed
* during program execution.
* 2. After each device reset the HSI (16 MHz) is used as system clock source.
* Then SystemInit() function is called in “startup_stm32f4xx.s“ file to
* configure the system clock before to branch to main program.
* 3. If the system clock source selected by user fails to startup the SystemInit()
* function will do nothing and HSI still used as system clock source. User can
* add some code to deal with this issue inside the SetSysClock() function.
* 4. The default value of HSE crystal is set to 25MHz refer to “HSE_VALUE“ define
* in “stm32f4xx.h“ file. When HSE is used as system clock source directly or
* through PLL and you are using different crystal you have to adapt the HSE
* value to your own configuration.
* 5. This file configures the system clock as follows:
* Supported STM32F40xxx/41xxx devices
* System Clock source | PLL (HSE)
* SYSCLK(Hz) | 168000000
* HCLK(Hz)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-03-21 16:16 DebugConfig\
文件 2084 2015-10-27 12:06 DebugConfig\Target_1_STM32F407ZG.dbgconf
目录 0 2019-03-21 16:16 Listings\
文件 110488 2019-03-22 09:27 Listings\STM32F4_Project.map
文件 77631 2019-03-22 09:27 Listings\startup_stm32f40_41xxx.lst
目录 0 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 375796 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 3445 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 1837 2017-10-30 15:15 ob
文件 90816 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 104746 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 587 2017-10-30 15:15 ob
文件 737 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 16373 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 265027 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 570 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 285528 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 273957 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 680 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 285276 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 362 2017-10-30 15:15 ob
文件 262373 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 426 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 280044 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 266112 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 479 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 284556 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 263192 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 437 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 280280 2019-03-22 09:27 ob
文件 354 2017-10-30 15:15 ob
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