% Please check our website for the latest version of this script:
% www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/tr/2010/TheoryOfPlenopticMultiplexing/
% This demo reconstructs (demosaicks) a RAW sensor image in the Fourier
% domain.
% Ivo Ihrke [ivo.ihrke@cs.ubc.ca]
% Gordon Wetzstein [wetzste1@cs.ubc.ca]
% March 2010
clear all;
I = double( imread ( ‘../data/bayer_dc.pgm‘ ) );
Ifft = fftshift(fft2(I));
tx = size(I2)/4;
ty = size(I1)/4;
%lower limit
%upper limit
%shift in FT due to even #scanlines and repetitions of bayer pattern
%middle tile coord‘s
mty = ((ty+1):(3*ty))+shifty;
mtx = ((tx+1):(3*tx))+shiftx;
%lower range
ltx = llx:(mtx(1)-1);
lty = lly:(mty(1)-1);
%upper range
utx = (mtx(length(mtx))+1):ulx;
uty = (mty(length(mty))+1):uly;
%this is for the smaller versions
rtxl = 1:(tx-shiftx);
rtxu = ((tx+1)-shiftx):2*tx;
rtyl = 1:(ty-shifty);
rtyu = ((ty+1)-shifty):2*ty;
Ifft_lr = Ifft( mty+1 mtx );
Ifft_ll( : rtxu ) = Ifft( mty ltx );
Ifft_ll( : rtxl ) = Ifft( mty utx );
Ifft_ur( rtyu : ) = Ifft( lty mtx );
Ifft_ur( rtyl : ) = Ifft( uty mtx );
%Ifft_green( (ty+1):2*ty : ) = Ifft( 1:ty (tx+1):(3*tx) );
%Ifft_green( 1:ty : ) = Ifft( (3*ty+1):(4*ty) (tx+1):(3*tx));
Ifft_ul( rtyl rtxl ) = Ifft( uty utx );
Ifft_ul( rtyu rtxl ) = Ifft( lty utx );
Ifft_ul( rtyl rtxu ) = Ifft( uty ltx );
Ifft_ul( rtyu rtxu ) = Ifft( lty ltx);
%Ifft_red = 0.25*Ifft_lr -0.25*Ifft_ul - 0.25*Ifft_ll + 0.25*Ifft_ur;
%Ifft_green = 0.25*Ifft_lr +0.25*Ifft_ul;
%Ifft_blue = 0.25*Ifft_lr -0.25*Ifft_ul + 0.25*Ifft_ll - 0.25*Ifft_ur;
%Ifft_gray = 0.25*Ifft_lr;
Ifft_lr = -circshift(Ifft_lr[1 0]);
Ifft_red = 0.25*Ifft_lr +0.25*Ifft_ul + 0.5*Ifft_ll;
Ifft_green = 0.25*Ifft_lr -0.25*Ifft_ul;
Ifft_blue = 0.25*Ifft_lr +0.25*Ifft_ul - 0.5*Ifft_ll;
Ifft_gray = 0.25*Ifft_lr;
I_gray = abs((ifft2(ifftshift( Ifft_gray ))) / ( max( I(:) )));
I_red = abs((ifft2(ifftshift( Ifft_red ))) / ( max( I(:) )));
I_blue = abs((ifft2(ifftshift( Ifft_blue ))) / ( max( I(:) )));
I_green = abs((ifft2(ifftshift( Ifft_green ))) / ( max( I(:) )));
imshow( I_red)
%imshow( abs(Ifft_red).^(1/2.2)/3000 ) ;
imshow( abs(ifft2(ifftshift(Ifft_ur))) / ( 1 * max( I (:))) );
title(‘Demosaicked red channel‘);
imshow( I_green );
%imshow( abs(Ifft_blue).^(1/2.2)/3000 ) ;
imshow( abs(ifft2(ifftshift(Ifft_ll))) / ( 1 * max( I (:))) );
title(‘Demosaicked green channel‘);
imshow( I_blue );
imshow( abs(ifft2(ifftshift(Ifft_lr))) / ( 4 * max( I (:))) );
title(‘Demosaicked blue channel‘);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3423 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\CFAReconstruction\bayer_fourier.m
文件 415798 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\CFAReconstruction\bayer_fourier.png
文件 2612 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\DappledPhotography\dp_fourier_general.m
文件 4459 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\DappledPhotography\dp_spatial_interp.m
文件 2016050 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\data\bayer_dc.pgm
文件 415798 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\data\InputCones_9x9.png
文件 3366 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\data\lightFieldSpatialMajor2DirectionMajor.m
文件 965 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\data\resampleCones.m
文件 1867 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\data\resampleGolgi.m
文件 3242 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis\lightFieldTransport.m
文件 1094 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis\mura.m
文件 3311 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis\reconstructionBatchsc
文件 9108 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis\reconstructLightFieldFromSensorImage.m
文件 8323 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis\simulateLightFieldCamera.m
文件 831 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis\sos.m
文件 2952 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\README
文件 166482 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\guideImage.png
文件 9911 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\joint_bilateral_up_cubic_spatial.m
文件 4389174 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\mannequin.png
文件 4008924 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\mask.png
文件 207 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\mura11x11.mat
文件 6439 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\ShieldFieldsJointBilateralSpatialReconstruction.m
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\channels
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:33 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields\results
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:35 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\CFAReconstruction
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:35 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\DappledPhotography
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:35 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\data
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:41 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\NoiseAnalysis
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:35 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode\ShieldFields
目录 0 2012-04-21 23:35 TheoryPlenopticMultiplexingCode
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