import wave
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from python_speech_features import mfcc
from math import cos sin sqrt pi
def read_file(file_name):
with wave.open(file_name ‘r‘) as file:
params = file.getparams()
_ _ framerate nframes = params[:4]
str_data = file.readframes(nframes)
wave_data = np.fromstring(str_data dtype=np.short)
time = np.arange(0 nframes) * (1.0 / framerate)
return wave_data time
return index1 index2
def find_point(data):
count1 count2 = 0 0
for index val in enumerate(data):
if count1 < 40:
count1 = count1 + 1 if abs(val) > 0.15 else 0
index1 = index
if count1 == 40 and count2 < 5:
count2 = count2 + 1 if abs(val) < 0.001 else 0
index2 = index
if count2 == 5:
return index1 index2
def select_valid(data):
start end = find_point(normalized(data))
print(start end)
return data[start:end]
def normalized(a):
maximum = max(a)
minimum = min(a)
return a / maximum
def compute_mfcc_coff(file_prefix=‘‘):
mfcc_feats = []
s = range(10)
I = [0 3 4 8]
II = [5 7 9]
Input = {‘‘: s ‘I‘: I ‘II‘: II ‘B‘: s}
for index file_name in enumerate(file_prefix + ‘{0}.wav‘.format(i) for i in Input[file_prefix]):
data time = read_file(file_name)
#data = select_valid(data)
#if file_prefix==‘II‘:data = select_valid(data)
mfcc_feat = mfcc(data 48000)[:75]
t = np.array(mfcc_feats)
return np.array(mfcc_feats)
def create_dist():
for i m_i in enumerate(mfcc_coff_input): # get the mfcc of input
for j m_j in enumerate(mfcc_coff): # get the mfcc of dataset
# build the distortion matrix bwtween i wav and j wav
N = len(mfcc_coff[0])
distortion_mat = np.array([[0] * len(m_i)
for i in range(N)] dtype=np.double)
for k1 mfcc1 in enumerate(m_i):
for k2 mfcc2 in enumerate(m_j):
distortion_mat[k1][k2] = sqrt(
sum((mfcc1[1:] - mfcc2[1:])**2))
yield i j distortion_mat
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