import networkx as nx
import math
import csv
import random as rand
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def buildG(G file_ delimiter_):
reader = csv.reader(open(file_) delimiter=delimiter_)
for line in reader:
if int(line[2]) != 0:
def CmtyStep(G):
init_number_comp = nx.number_connected_components(G)
print ‘init : %d‘%init_number_comp
number_comp = init_number_comp
while number_comp <= init_number_comp:
bw = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(G) # edge betweenness for G
# find the edge with max centrality
max_ = 0.0
# find the edge with the highest centrality and remove all of them if there is more than one!
for k v in bw.iteritems():
# print v
_BW = float(v) / float(G[k[0]][k[1]][‘weight‘]) # weighted version of betweenness
if _BW >= max_:
max_ = _BW
for k v in bw.iteritems():
if float(v) / float(G[k[0]][k[1]][‘weight‘]) == max_:
# print “remove an edge!“
# print k
G.remove_edge(k[0] k[1]) # remove the central edge
number_comp = nx.number_connected_components(G) # recalculate the no of components
def GetModularity(G deg_ m_):
New_A = nx.adj_matrix(G)#建立一个表示边的邻接矩阵
New_deg = {}
New_deg = UpdateDeg(New_A G.nodes())
comps = nx.connected_components(G)#建立一个组成的列表
print ‘Number of communities in decomposed G: %d‘ % nx.number_connected_components(G)
Mod = 0#设定社团划分的模块化系数并设初始值为0
for c in comps:
AVW = 0#两条边在邻接矩阵中的值
K = 0#两条边的度值
for u in c:
AVW += New_deg[u]
K += deg_[u]
Mod += ( float(AVW) - float(K*K)/float(2*m_) )#计算出Q值公式累加符号后的值
Mod = Mod/float(2*m_)#计算出模块化Q值
return Mod
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