from scipy import *
from scipy.linalg import normpinv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class RBF:
def __init__(selfindimnumCentersoutdim):
self.indim = indim
self.outdim = outdim
self.numCenters = numCenters
self.centers = [random.uniform(-11indim) for i in range(numCenters)]
self.beta = 8
self.W = random.random((self.numCentersself.outdim))
def _basisfunc(selfcd):
assert len(d) == self.indim
return exp(-self.beta*norm(c-d)**2)
def _calcAct(self X):
# calculate activations of RBFs
G = zeros((X.shape[0] self.numCenters) float)
for ci c in enumerate(self.centers):
for xi x in enumerate(X):
G[xi ci] = self._basisfunc(c x)
return G
def train(self X Y):
“““ X: matrix of dimensions n x indim
y: column vector of dimension n x 1 “““
# choose random center vectors from training set
rnd_idx = random.permutation(X.shape[0])[:self.numCenters]
self.centers = [X[i :] for i in rnd_idx]
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