import State
fo = open(“MC.txt“ “r“)
token = []
state = []
line = fo.read(1)
while line != ‘‘:
if line == ‘ ‘ or line == ‘\n‘ or line == ‘\t‘:#空白状态处理
line = fo.read(1)
elif line == ‘(‘ or line == ‘)‘ or line == ‘{‘ or line == ‘}‘ or line == ‘;‘ or line == ‘‘:#判断括号状态
line = fo.read(1)
elif line == ‘+‘ or line == ‘-‘ or line == ‘*‘ or line == ‘/‘ or line == ‘%‘ or line == ‘=‘ or line == ‘|‘ or line == ‘&‘ or line == ‘^‘ or line == ‘!‘:
line = fo.read(1)
elif (line >= ‘a‘ and line <= ‘z‘) or (line >= ‘A‘ and line <= ‘Z‘) or line == ‘_‘:#字母状态处理
line = State.alphabetState(line fo token state)
elif (line >= ‘0‘ and line <= ‘9‘):#数字状态片理
line = State.numberState(line fo token state)
for i in range(0 len(token)):
print(token[i] + ‘\t‘ + state[i])
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1324544 2014-11-20 08:14 CompilerTheory\chapter03b.ppt
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文件 1506133 2014-10-15 22:17 CompilerTheory\词法分析器示例\示例P3.jpg
文件 1434227 2014-10-15 22:12 CompilerTheory\词法分析器示例\示例P4.jpg
文件 6087478 2014-11-20 08:14 CompilerTheory\词法分析器示例.rar
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目录 0 2014-11-20 08:15 CompilerTheory\词法分析器示例
目录 0 2014-11-20 11:39 CompilerTheory
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