1. 实验目的
1) 掌握搜索算法的基本设计思想与方法,
2) 掌握A*算法的设计思想与方法,
3) 熟练使用高级编程语言实现搜索算法,
4) 利用实验测试给出的搜索算法的正确性。
1. 实验问题
1) 每一步都落在方格中,而不是横竖线的交叉点。
2) 灰色格子表示障碍,无法通行。
3) 在每个格子处,若无障碍,下一步可以达到八个相邻的格子,并且只可以到达无障碍的相邻格子。其中,向上、下、左、右四个方向移动的代价为1,向四
个斜角方向移动的代价为 √2。
4) 在一些特殊格子上行走要花费额外的地形代价。比如,黄色格子代表沙
5) 经过一条路径总的代价为移动代价 地形代价。其中移动代价是路径上所做的所有移动的代价的总和;地形代价为路径上除起点外所有格子的地形代价的总和。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0)
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np;
import seaborn as sns;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# %%
# 地形
# 通路
road = 0
# 沙漠
caravan = 4
# 路障
barrier = 1
# 河流
river = 2
# 起始点,终止点
st_end = 3
# path
path1 = 5
path2 = 6
# 直线距离
d = 1
# 斜线距离
k = 1.414
def check_pass(terrain):
if terrain == road or terrain == caravan or terrain == river:
return True
return False
class Node:
def __init__(self x y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.F = .0
self.G = .0
self.H = .0
self.parent = None
def least_f(open):
res = open[0]
for node in open:
if node.F < res.F:
res = node
return res
def get_surrounds(node area_map close):
res = []
for i in range(-1 2):
for j in range(-1 2):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
x = node.x + i
y = node.y + j
# 超出边界
if x < 0 or y < 0 or \
len(area_map) <= x or len(area_map[0]) <= y:
# 判断是否可行
if not check_pass(area_map[x][y]):
# 未访问过
node_tmp = Node(x y)
flag = is_in_list(node_tmp close)
if flag is None:
return res
# Calc G
def calc_g(start surround area_map):
extra_g = d if ((abs(surround.y - start.y) + abs(surround.x - start.x)) == 1) else k
extra_g += area_map[surround.x][surround.y] # 额外的地形代价
parent_g = 0 if surround.parent is None else surround.parent.G # 当前点的父节点的起始点到父节点的代价
surround.G = parent_g + extra_g # 当前步+之前的步
def is_in_list(surround1 close):
for c in close:
if surround1.x == c.x and surround1.y == c.y:
return c
return None
def calc_h(surround close m_tmp): # 计算当前点到终点的距离
# def calc_h(surround end): # 计算当前点到终点的距离
# h_diagonal = min(abs(surround.x - end.x) abs(surround.y - end.y))
# h_straight = abs(surround.x - end.x) + abs(surround.y - end.y)
# surround.H = k * h_diagonal + d * (h_straight - 2 * h_diagonal)
min_h = 99999
surroundPoints = get_surrounds(surround m_tmp close)
for target in surroundPoints:
if is_in_list(target close) is not None:
if (abs(target.x - surround.x) + abs(target.y - surround.y)) == 1:
if (d + m_tmp[surround.x][surround.y]) < min_h:
min_h = d + m_tmp[surround.x][surround.y]
if k + m_tmp[surround.x][surround.y]
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 10263 2020-12-02 16:07 a_star_bidirection.py
文件 9389 2020-12-04 09:17 a_star_single.py
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