import tensorflow as tf
import vw_c3d_tools as c3d_tools
def C3D_MODEL(xn_classesis_pretrain=True):
# conv(layer_name x out_channels weight_decay biases_decay kernel_size=[333] stride=[11111] is_pretrain=True):
# pool(layer_name x k is_max_pool=True):
# FC_layer(layer_name x out_nodesweight_decay biases_decay):
parameters = []
conv1 = c3d_tools.conv(“conv1“ x 64 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
with tf.name_scope(‘pool1‘):
pool1 = c3d_tools.pool(“pool1“ conv1 1 is_max_pool=True)
conv2 = c3d_tools.conv(“conv2“ pool1 128 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
with tf.name_scope(‘pool2‘):
pool2 = c3d_tools.pool(“pool2“ conv2 2 is_max_pool=True)
conv3a = c3d_tools.conv(“conv3a“ pool2 256 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
conv3b = c3d_tools.conv(“conv3b“ conv3a 256 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
with tf.name_scope(‘pool3‘):
pool3 = c3d_tools.pool(“pool3“ conv3b 2 is_max_pool=True)
conv4a = c3d_tools.conv(“conv4a“ pool3 512 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
conv4b = c3d_tools.conv(“conv4b“ conv4a 512 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
with tf.name_scope(‘pool4‘):
pool4 = c3d_tools.pool(“pool4“ conv4b 2 is_max_pool=True)
conv5a = c3d_tools.conv(“conv5a“ pool4 512 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
conv5b = c3d_tools.conv(“conv5b“ conv5a 512 0.0005 0 is_pretrain=is_pretrain)
with tf.name_scope(‘pool5‘):
pool5 = c3d_tools.pool(“pool5“ conv5b 2 is_max_pool=True)
pool5 = tf.transpose(pool5 perm=[01423])
with tf.name_scope(‘fc6‘):
fc6 = c3d_tools.FC_layer(‘fc6‘ pool5 4096 0.0005 0 0.5)
fc6 = c3d_tools.batch_norm(fc6)
with tf.name_scope(‘fc7‘):
fc7 = c3d_tools.FC_layer(‘fc7‘ fc6 4096 0.0005 0 0.5)
fc7 = c3d_tools.batch_norm(fc7)
with tf.name_scope(‘fc8‘):
fc8 = c3d_tools.FC_layer(‘fc8‘ fc7 n_classes 0.0005 0 1)
fc8= c3d_tools.batch_norm(fc8)
return fc8
‘‘‘with tf.name_scope(“softmax“):
softmax = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(fc8W) + b)
return softmax‘‘‘
with tf.name_scope(‘softmax1‘) as scope:
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([256N_CLASSE]
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0 shape=[N_CLASSE] dtype=tf.float32)
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