——利用UNET Server-authoritative实现多人游戏功能。
Requires Unity 5.4.1 or higher.
A complete multiplayer collectible card game kit.
This asset is a great starting point to develop your own multiplayer CCG/TCG and also to learn about how such a project can be architected and implemented.
- Server-authoritative multiplayer functionality leveraging UNET.
- Integrated editor that allows to specify the game fundamental properties and create new cards in a visual way.
- Includes complete demo game in the spirit of the genre's classics.
- Includes optional, REST-based Node.js server with player registration/login, player card collection, rankings and purchasable card packs functionality.
- Includes single-player mode against AI.
- Game user interface that makes extensive use of Unity's UI system.
-Complete and extensively documented C# source code.
This is not a visual scripting framework; you need to know how to program in C# in order to use and further customize and extend the asset.
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