mopso 多目标粒子群算法 mopso 多目标粒子群算法 mopso 多目标粒子群算法 可直接运行

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Example of use of the funcion MOPSO.m which performs a Multi-objective %
% Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) based on Coello2004. %
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Author: Victor Martinez Cagigal %
% Date: 15/03/2017 %
% E-mail: vicmarcag (at) gmail (dot) com %
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% References: %
% Coello C. A. C. Pulido G. T. & Lechuga M. S. (2004). Handling%
% multiple objectives with particle swarm optimization. IEEE Tran- %
% sactions on evolutionary computation 8(3) 256-279. %
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
clear all; clc;
% Multi-objective function
%MultiObjFnc = ‘Schaffer‘;
MultiObjFnc = ‘Kursawe‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘Poloni‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘Viennet2‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘Viennet3‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘ZDT1‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘ZDT2‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘ZDT3‘;
%MultiObjFnc = ‘ZDT6‘;
switch MultiObjFnc
case ‘Schaffer‘ % Schaffer
MultiObj.fun = @(x) [x(:).^2 (x(:)-2).^2];
MultiObj.nVar = 1;
MultiObj.var_min = -5;
MultiObj.var_max = 5;
MultiObj.truePF = PF;
case ‘Kursawe‘ % Kursawe
MultiObj.fun = @(x) [-10.*(exp(-0.2.*sqrt(x(:1).^2+x(:2).^2)) + exp(-0.2.*sqrt(x(:2).^2+x(:3).^2))) ...
sum(abs(x).^0.8 + 5.*sin(x.^3)2)];
MultiObj.nVar = 3;
MultiObj.var_min = -5.*ones(1MultiObj.nVar);
MultiObj.var_max = 5.*ones(1MultiObj.nVar);
MultiObj.truePF = PF;
case ‘Poloni‘ % Poloni‘s two-objective
A1 = 0.5*sin(1)-2*cos(1)+sin(2)-1.5*cos(2);
A2 = 1.5*sin(1)-cos(1)+2*sin(2)-0.5*cos(2);
B1 = @(xy) 0.5.*sin(x)-2.*cos(x)+sin(y)-1.5.*cos(y);
B2 = @(xy) 1.5.*sin(x)-cos(x)+2.*sin(y)-0.5.*cos(y);
f1 = @(xy) 1+(A1-B1(xy)).^2+(A2-B2(xy)).^2;
f2 = @(xy) (x+3).^2+(y+1).^2;
MultiObj.fun = @(x) [f1(x(:1)x(:2)) f2(x(:1)x(:2))];
MultiObj.nVar = 2;
MultiObj.var_min = -pi.*ones(1MultiObj.nVar);
MultiObj.var_max = pi.*ones(1MultiObj.nVar);
case ‘Viennet2‘ % Viennet2
f1 = @(xy) 0.5.*(x-2).^2+(1/13).*(y+1).^2+3;
f2 = @(xy) (1/36).*(x+y-3).^2+(1/8).*(-x+y+2).^2-17;
f3 = @(xy) (1/175).*(x+2.*y-1).^2+(1/17).*(2.*y-x).^2-13;
MultiObj.fun = @(x) [f1(x(:1)x(:2)) f2(x(:1)x(:2)) f3(x(:1)x(:2))];
MultiObj.nVar = 2;
MultiObj.var_min = [-4 -4];
MultiObj.var_max = [4 4];
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 12389 2017-04-21 19:57 ParetoFronts\Kursawe.mat
文件 2956 2017-04-21 22:32 ParetoFronts\Schaffer.mat
文件 161755 2017-04-21 22:43 ParetoFronts\Viennet2.mat
文件 220020 2017-04-21 21:48 ParetoFronts\Viennet3.mat
文件 10386 2017-04-21 22:47 ParetoFronts\ZDT1.mat
文件 15219 2017-04-21 23:04 ParetoFronts\ZDT2.mat
文件 15146 2017-04-21 22:48 ParetoFronts\ZDT3.mat
文件 15231 2017-04-21 23:21 ParetoFronts\ZDT6.mat
文件 5702 2017-04-25 22:12 example.m
文件 14646 2017-04-25 22:12 MOPSO.m
文件 1317 2017-04-25 10:14 license.txt
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