MATLAB 对一系列的离散坐标点进行圆拟合 返回拟合圆的中心坐标和半径
function [z r residual] = fitcircle(x varargin)
%FITCIRCLE least squares circle fit
% [Z R] = FITCIRCLE(X) fits a circle to the N points in X minimising
% geometric error (sum of squared distances from the points to the fitted
% circle) using nonlinear least squares (Gauss Newton)
% Input
% X : 2xN array of N 2D points with N >= 3
% Output
% Z : center of the fitted circle
% R : radius of the fitted circle
% [Z R] = FITCIRCLE(X ‘linear‘) fits a circle using linear least
% squares minimising the algebraic error (residual from fitting system
% of the form ax‘x + b‘x + c = 0)
% [Z R] = FITCIRCLE(X Property Value ...) allows parameters to be
% passed to the internal Gauss Newton method. Property names can be
% supplied as any unambiguous contraction of the property name and are
% case insensitive e.g. FITCIRCLE(X ‘t‘ 1e-4) is equivalent to
% FITCIRCLE(X ‘tol‘ 1e-4). Valid properties are:
% Property: Value:
% --------------------------------
% maxits positive integer default 100
% Sets the maximum number of iterations of the Gauss Newton
% method
% tol positive constant default 1e-5
% Gauss Newton converges when the relative change in the solution
% is less than tol
% [X R RES] = fitcircle(...) returns the 2 norm of the residual from
% the least squares fit
% Example:
% x = [1 2 5 7 9 3; 7 6 8 7 5 7];
% % Get linear least squares fit
% [zl rl] = fitcircle(x ‘linear‘)
% % Get true best fit
% [z r] = fitcircle(x)
% Reference: “Least-squares fitting of circles and ellipses“ W. Gander
% G. Golub R. Strebel - BIT Numerical Mathematics 1994 Springer
% This implementation copyright Richard Brown 2007 but is freely
% available to copy use or modify as long as this line is maintained
error(nargchk(1 5 nargin ‘struct‘))
% Default parameters for Gauss Newton minimisation
params.maxits = 100;
params.tol = 1e-5;
% Check x and get user supplied parameters
[x fNonlinear params] = parseinputs(x params varargin{:});
% Convenience variables
m = size(x 2);
x1 = x(1 :)‘;
x2 = x(2 :)‘;
% 1) Compute best fit w.r.t. algebraic error using linear least squares
% Circle is represented as a matrix quadratic form
% ax‘x + b‘x + c = 0
% Linear least squares estimate found by minimising Bu = 0 s.t. norm(u) = 1
% where u = [a; b; c]
% Form the coefficient matrix
B = [x1.^2 + x2.^2 x1 x2 ones(m 1)];
% Least squares estimate is right singular vector corresp. to smallest
% singular value of B
[U S V] = svd(B);
u = V(: 4);
% For clarity set the quadratic form variables
a = u(1);
b = u(2:3);
c = u(4);
% Convert to centre/radius
z = -b / (2*a);
r = sqrt((norm(b)/(2*a))^2 - c/a);
% 2
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