function [MQ]=community_louvain(WgammaM0B)
%COMMUNITY_LOUVAIN Optimal community structure
% M = community_louvain(W);
% [MQ] = community_louvain(Wgamma);
% [MQ] = community_louvain(WgammaM0);
% [MQ] = community_louvain(WgammaM0‘potts‘);
% [MQ] = community_louvain(WgammaM0‘negative_asym‘);
% [MQ] = community_louvain(W[][]B);
% The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into
% nonoverlapping groups of nodes which maximizes the number of within-
% group edges and minimizes the number of between-group edges.
% This function is a fast and accurate multi-iterative generalization of
% the Louvain community detection algorithm. This function subsumes and
% improves upon
% modularity_louvain_und.m modularity_finetune_und.m
% modularity_louvain_dir.m modularity_finetune_dir.m
% modularity_louvain_und_sign.m
% and additionally allows to optimize other objective functions (includes
% built-in Potts-model Hamiltonian allows for custom objective-function
% matrices).
% Inputs:
% W
% directed/undirected weighted/binary connection matrix with
% positive and possibly negative weights.
% gamma
% resolution parameter (optional)
% gamma>1 detects smaller modules
% 0<=gamma<1 detects larger modules
% gamma=1 classic modularity (default)
% M0
% initial community affiliation vector (optional)
% B
% objective-function type or custom objective matrix (optional)
% ‘modularity‘ modularity (default)
% ‘potts‘ Potts-model Hamiltonian (for binary networks)
% ‘negative_sym‘ symmetric treatment of negative weights
% ‘negative_asym‘ asymmetric treatment of negative weights
% B custom objective-function matrix
% Note: see Rubinov and Sporns (2011) for a discussion of
% symmetric vs. asymmetric treatment of negative weights.
% Outputs:
% M
% community affiliation vector
% Q
% optimized community-structure statistic (modularity by default)
% Example:
% % Iterative community finetuning.
% % W is the input connection matrix.
% n = size(W1); % number of nodes
% M = 1:n; % initial community affiliations
% Q0 = -1; Q1 = 0; % initialize modularity values
% while Q1-Q0>1e-5; % while modularity increases
% Q0 = Q1; % perform community detection
% [M Q1] = community_louvain(W [] M);
% end
% References:
% Blondel et al. (2008) J. Stat. Mech. P10008.
% Reichardt and Bornholdt (2006) Phys. Rev. E 74 016110.
% Ronhovde and Nussinov (2008) Phys. Rev. E 80 016109
% Sun et al. (2008) Europhysics Lett 86 28004.
% Rubinov and Sporns (2011)
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