% plotOccam2DMT.m
% About: A Program to plot up OCCAM2DMT inversion models and data.
% Usage: Call this program from the matlab prompt and GUI window pops
% up. Their are model plot options in the figure menu as well
% as menu items for plotting conductivity profiles and MT
% responses and data fits.
% Or call as:
% plotOccam2DMT(‘iterationfilename‘)
% where ‘iterationfilename‘ is the name of the iteration to
% plot.
% You can also use:
% plotOccam2DMT(‘lastiter‘)
% and the last (most recent) iteration will be plotted.
% ‘plotcenter‘ [xmin xmax ymin ymax] plots only the range given
% ‘caxis‘ [cmin cmax] color axis values
% ‘plotlog‘ ‘off‘ uses a linear color scale
% ‘x0‘ n offsets the x axis by n (uses: x-n
% ‘sitectr‘ ‘on‘ center the plot on the sites
% ‘axes‘ h axes to plot in (subplotting) - lots of stuff not done
% in this case.
% Written by: Kerry Key
% Scripps Institution of Oceanography
% kkey@ucsd.edu
% Version: 1.0 August 2001
% 1.1 July 2003 - Made a function with callable iteration file
% 1.2 2006 DGM - various cleanups to keep from crashing.
% 1.3 April 2007. Added ‘lastiter‘ option for file name
% input
% 1.4 October 2007. All functions are in this single file.
function plotOccam2DMT(varargin)
% Plotting OPTIONS:
plt_log = ‘on‘; % Flag for linear or log resistivity scale:
plt_cntr = ‘off‘; % Flag for plotting just the center:
plt_caxis = []; % color axis to apply
plt_sitescenter = ‘off‘; % flag for plotting model as wide as sites
plot_prej = ‘off‘; % do not prejudice model
plot_zero = 0; % zero point on horizontal axis % kludge for re-zeroing UTM models
exceptioncolor = ‘w-‘; % color of line to plot for model penalty exceptions
x0 = 0;
plt_axes = [];
hfigure = [];
sIterFile = [];
if nargin==1
sIterFile = varargin{1};
elseif nargin>1
sIterFile = varargin{1};
for i=2:2:nargin
str = varargin{i};
switch( lower(str) )
case {‘plotcenter‘}
plt_cntr = ‘on‘;
plot_center = varargin{i+1};
case {‘plotlog‘}
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