function [d pred] = dijkstra_sp(Auvarargin)
% DIJKSTRA_SP Compute the weighted single source shortest path problem.
% Dijkstra‘s algorithm for the single source shortest path problem only
% works on graphs without negative edge weights.
% This method works on weighted directed graphs without negative edge
% weights.
% The runtime is O(V log (V)).
% See the shortest_paths function for calling information. This function
% just calls shortest_paths(...struct(‘algname‘‘dijkstra‘));
% The options structure can contain a visitor for the Dijkstra algorithm.
% See http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/DijkstraVisitor.html for a
% description of the events.
% visitor is a struct with the following optional fields
% vis.initialize_vertex(u)
% vis.discover_vertex(u)
% vis.
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