盲反卷积算法复原图像,可直接对现实中拍摄的模糊图像进行反卷积,对模糊图像进行清晰化,代码MATLAB 附有讲解 适合初学者,还有很多改进空间
%% Deblurring Images Using the Blind Deconvolution Algorithm
% The Blind Deconvolution Algorithm can be used effectively when no
% information about the distortion (blurring and noise) is known. The
% algorithm restores the image and the point-spread function (PSF)
% simultaneously. The accelerated damped Richardson-Lucy algorithm is used
% in each iteration. Additional optical system (e.g. camera)
% characteristics can be used as input parameters that could help to
% improve the quality of the image restoration. PSF constraints can be
% passed in through a user-specified function
% Copyright 2004-2005 The MathWorks Inc.
%% Step 1: Read Image
% The example reads in an intensity image. The |deconvblind| function can
% handle arrays of any dimension.
%该示例读取一个灰度图像。| deconvblind |函数可以处理任何维数组。
I = imread(‘cameraman.tif‘);
figure;imshow(I);title(‘Original Image‘);
text(size(I2)size(I1)+15 ...
‘Image courtesy of Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘ ...
%% Step 2: Simulate a Blur
% Simulate a real-life image that could be blurred (e.g. due to camera
% motion or lack of focus). The example simulates the blur by convolving a
% Gaussian filter with the true image (using |imfilter|). The Gaussian filter
% then represents a point-spread function |PSF|.
Blurred=imfilter(IPSF‘symmetric‘‘conv‘); %对图像I进行滤波处理;
figure;imshow(Blurred);title(‘Blurred Image‘);
%% Step 3: Restore the Blurred Image Using PSFs of Various Sizes
% To illustrate the importance of knowing the size of the true PSF this
% example performs three restorations. Each time the PSF reconstruction
% starts from a uniform array--an array of ones.
% The first restoration |J1| and |P1| uses an undersized array |UNDERPSF| for
% an initial guess of the PSF. The size of the UNDERPSF array is 4 pixels
% shorter in each dimension than the true PSF.
%第一次复原,|J1|和|P1|,使用一个较小数组,| UNDERPSF |,来对PSF的初步猜测。该
UNDERPSF = ones(size(PSF)-4);
[J1 P1] = deconvblind(BlurredUNDERPSF);
figure;imshow(J1);title(‘Deblurring with Undersized PSF‘);
% The second restoration |J2| and |P2| uses an array of ones |OVERPSF| for an
% initial PSF that is 4 pixels longer in each dimension than the true PSF.
%第二次复原,|J2|和|P2|,使用一个元素全为1的数组,| OVERPSF|,初始PSF每维比真
OVERPSF = padarray(UNDERPSF[4 4]‘replicate‘‘both‘);
[J2 P2] = deconvblind(BlurredOVERPSF);
figure;imshow(J2);title(‘Deblurring with Oversized PSF‘);
% The third restoration |J3| and |P3| uses an array of ones |INITPSF| for an
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