matlab 读取envi标准格式文件,代码现成可用,只需修改输入文件目录,可读取hdf格式文件
function [imageptb] = freadenvi(fname)
% freadenvi - read envi image (V. Guissard Apr 29 2004)
% Reads an image of ENVI standard type
% to a [col x line x band] MATLAB array
% image=freadenvi(fname)
% [imagep]=freadenvi(fname)
% [imagept]=freadenvi(fname)
% [imageptb] = freadenvi(fname)
% fname string giving the full pathname of the ENVI image to read.
% image----------- c by l by b array containing the ENVI image values organised in
% c : cols l : lines and b : bands.
% p 1 by 3 vector that contains (1) the nb of cols (2) the number.
% of lines and (3) the number of bands of the opened image.
% t string describing the image data type string in MATLAB conventions.
% b string describing the image data interleave:bsqbil or bip
% NOTE : freadenvi needs the corresponding image header file generated
% automatically by ENVI. The ENVI header file must have the same name
% as the ENVI image file + the ‘.hdf‘ exention.
% Revised by Hu Shunshi2011.1.3
% can read bsqbil and bip data interleave.
% Parameters initialization
elements={‘samples ‘ ‘lines ‘ ‘bands ‘ ‘data type ‘ ‘interleave ‘};
d={‘bit8‘ ‘int16‘ ‘int32‘ ‘float32‘ ‘float64‘ ‘uint16‘ ‘uint32‘ ‘int64‘ ‘uint64‘};
interleave={‘bsq‘ ‘bil‘ ‘bip‘};
% Check user input
if ~ischar(fname)
error(‘fname should be a char string‘);
% Open ENVI header file to retreive s l b & d variables
rfid = fopen(strcat(fname‘.hdr‘)‘r‘);
% Check if the header file is correctely open
if rfid == -1
error(‘Input header file does not exist‘);
% Read ENVI image header file and get p(1) : nb samples
% p(2) : nb lines p(3) : nb bands t : data type and b:interleave
while 1
tline = fgetl(rfid);
if ~ischar(tline) break end
switch first
case elements(1)
case elements(2)
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