大小: 6KB文件类型: .m金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-05-14
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: 物理层 MATLAB IEEE802.11b
%% 802.11b 1Mbps PHY link.
% This M code simulates DBPSK modulation and barker code spreading
% on a perfectly synchonized 802.11b link. It calculates the BER
% rate at each EsNo (EbNo) and plots the result.
%% Simulation parameters
% For each BER loop we specify the number of packets to transmit the packet size and
% the range of channel EsNo values to test.
EsNoRange=[0:2:10]; % Range of noice levels to calculate BER
PacketSizeBits=PacketSizeBytes*8; % Here we ignore preamble and sync bits
clear BERResults;
%% System parameters and constants
% Specify a number of system constants.
% Spreading parameters
Barker=[1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1]‘; % Barker sequence
SpreadingRate=length(Barker); % Spreading rate
% Upsampling rate
% Filter order and coefficients - root raised cosine
FilterOrder=40; % Set to multiple of SamplesPerChip to make delay calculation easy
%% Delay calculation
% Calclate (specify) the net number of bits delay in the link due
% to the filtering.
% * samples_delay = 2 filters x (40 coeffs / 2) = 40 samples
% * chips_delay = sample_delay/SamplesPerChip = 40/8 = 5 chips
% * Must recalculate delay if you change any of these parameters
% We must delay the signal 6 more chips to align it with the 11 chip
% boundary. This results in an 11 chip delay or one symbol/bit delay.
% You must recalculate total and additional delay if you change any of these
% parameters
%% Main BER loop
% Calculates the BER for each EsNo level.
disp(‘ ‘);disp(‘Start Simulation‘);
for EsNoIndex =1:NumEsNos
disp([‘Simulating: EsNo=‘ num2str(EsNo) ‘dB‘]);
% Initialize system and simulation measurements state
% Bits
TotalBits=logical(0); % Bit count for BER calculation
ErrorBits=logical(0); % Error count for BER calculation
LastTxSymbol=1; % Set DBPKS Modulator state
LastRxSymbol=1; % Set DBPKS Demodulator state
% Filters
Tx_Filter_State=h(1:end-1); % Fill filter with a +1 symbol
Rx_Filter_State=h(1:end-1); % Fill filter with a +1 symbol
% Main simulation loop
% Each packet is transmitted and the recieved bits compared with the
% transmitted bits to calculate the BER.
for Packet=1:NumPackets
% Construct frame of bits
Tx_bits=rand(PacketSizeBits1)>.5; % Random bits
% Modulate
Tx_bits_bp=(1-2*Tx_bits); % Convert to bipolar 01 --> 1 -1
Tx_symbols=LastTxSymbol*cumprod(Tx_bits_bp); % New DBPSK sym
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