大小: 31KB文件类型: .m金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-05-15
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: 数值积分 matlab Gauss-laguer
可直接在函数名前设置输出为 [x,w]= 其中x为积分点,w为权重
function laguerre_rule ( order a b filename )
% 可直接在函数名前设置输出为 [xw]= 其中x为积分点,w为权重,此处为求积分,因此w之和可能不为1。
%% LAGUERRE_RULE generates a Gauss-Laguerre rule.
% Discussion:
% This program computes a standard or exponentially weighted
% Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule and writes it to a file.
% The user specifies:
% * the ORDER (number of points) in the rule;
% * A the left endpoint;
% * B the scale factor in the exponential;
% * FILENAME the root name of the output files.
% Licensing:
% This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
% Modified:
% 10 February 2014
% Author:
% John Burkardt
timestamp ( );
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘LAGUERRE_RULE\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ MATLAB version\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ Compute a Gauss-Laguerre rule for approximating\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ Integral ( a <= x < +oo ) exp(-b*(x-a)) f(x) dx\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ of order ORDER.\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ The user specifies ORDER A B and FILENAME.\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ ORDER is the number of points.\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ A is the left endpoint (typically 0).\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ B is the exponential scale factor (typically 1).\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ FILENAME is used to generate 3 files:\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ * filename_w.txt - the weight file\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ * filename_x.txt - the abscissa file.\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ * filename_r.txt - the region file.\n‘ );
% Initialize the parameters.
alpha = 0.0;
beta = 0.0;
% Get ORDER.
if ( nargin < 1 )
order = input ( ‘ Enter the rule order ORDER: ‘ );
elseif ( ischar ( order ) )
order = str2num ( order );
% Get A.
if ( nargin < 2 )
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ A is the left endpoint typically 0.\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
a = input ( ‘ Enter the value of A.‘ );
elseif ( ischar ( a ) )
a = str2num ( a );
% Get B.
if ( nargin < 3 )
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ B is the exponential scale factor typically 1.\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
b = input ( ‘ Enter the value of B.‘ );
elseif ( ischar ( b ) )
b = str2num ( b );
% Get the quadrature file root name:
if ( nargin < 4 )
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ FILENAME specifies the ‘‘root name‘‘ of a set of quadrature files).\n‘ );
filename = input ( ‘ Enter the value of FILENAME as a quoted string: ‘ );
% Input summary.
fprintf ( 1 ‘\n‘ );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ ORDER = %d\n‘ order );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ A = %f\n‘ a);
fprintf ( 1 ‘ B = %f\n‘ b );
fprintf ( 1 ‘ FILENAME = “%s“.\n‘ filename );
% Construct the rule.
kind = 5;
[ x w ] = cgqf ( order kind alpha beta
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