function [tSIR] = differentialSIR(NbetagammaMaxTime)
% RISK_STRUCTURE( beta gamma S0 I0 MaxTime)
% This is the MATLAB version of program 2.1 from page 19 of
% “Modeling Infectious Disease in humans and animals“
% by Keeling & Rohani.
% It is the simple SIR epidemic without births or deaths.%
% Sets up default parameters if necessary.
I0 = 100 / N;
S0 = 1 - I0;
% Checks all the parameters are valid
if S0<=0
error(‘Initial level of susceptibles (%g) is less than or equal to zero‘S0);
if I0<=0
error(‘Initial level of infecteds (%g) is less than or equal to zero‘I0);
if beta<=0
error(‘Transmission rate beta (%g) is less than or equal to zero‘beta);
if gamma<=0
error(‘Recovery rate gamma (%g) is less than or equal to zero‘gamma);
if MaxTime<=0
error(‘Maximum run time (%g) is less than or equal to zero‘MaxTime);
if S0+I0>1
warning(‘Initial level of susceptibles+infecteds (%g+%g=%g) is greater than one‘S0I0S0+I0);
if beta warning(‘Basic reproductive ratio (R_0=%g) is less than one‘beta/gamma);
S=S0; I=I0; R=1-S-I;
% The main iteration
[t pop]=ode45(@Diff_2_1[0 MaxTime][S I R][][beta gamma]);
S=pop(:1); I=pop(:2); R=pop(:3);
% Calculates the differential rates used in the integration.
function dPop=Diff_2_1(tpop parameter)
beta=parameter(1); gamma=parameter(2);
S=pop(1); I=pop(2); R=pop(3);
dPop(1)= -beta*S*I;
dPop(2)= beta*S*I - gamma*I;
dPop(3)= gamma*I;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2016-01-19 21:30 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\
文件 12292 2016-01-22 19:37 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\.DS_Store
目录 0 2016-03-15 21:12 __MACOSX\
目录 0 2016-03-15 21:12 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\
文件 120 2016-01-22 19:37 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\._.DS_Store
目录 0 2016-01-19 21:30 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\
文件 1536 2016-01-19 02:31 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\differentialSIR.m
目录 0 2016-03-15 21:12 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\
文件 120 2016-01-19 02:31 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\._differentialSIR.m
文件 2361 2016-01-19 02:40 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\discreteSIR.m
文件 171 2016-01-19 02:40 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\._discreteSIR.m
文件 910 2016-01-19 02:40 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\mean_fieldSIR.m
文件 120 2016-01-19 02:40 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\._mean_fieldSIR.m
文件 1295 2016-01-22 19:38 YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\SIR.m
文件 120 2016-01-22 19:38 __MACOSX\YBJAN1916_SIR model in whole population\SIR\._SIR.m
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