function walker
% WALKER Human gait.
% This model developed by Nikolaus Troje is a five-term Fourier series
% with vector-valued coefficients that are the principal components for
% data obtained in motion capture experiments involving subjects wearing
% reflective markers walking on a treadmill. The components which are
% also known as “postures“ or “eigenwalkers“ correspond to the static
% position forward motion sideways sway and two hopping/bouncing
% movements that differ in the phase relationship between the upper and
% lower portions of the body. The postures are also classified by gender.
% Sliders allow you to vary the amount that each component contributes to
% the overall motion. A slider setting greater than 1.0 overemphasizes
% the characteristic. Can you see whether positive values of the gender
% coefficient correspond to male or female subjects?
% References:
% http://www.bml.psy.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Demos
% http://www.biomotionlab.de/Text/WDP2002_Troje.pdf
% http://journalofvision.org/2/5/2
set(gca‘pos‘get(gca‘pos‘)+[0 .07 0 0])
% The body is represented by 15 points in three space i.e. a vector of
% length 45. The data consists of F five vectors describing the average
% female and M five vectors describing the average male. Four linked
% segments indexed by L are the head torso arms and legs.
% Initial view
load walkers
X = reshape((F(:1)+M(:1))/2153);
L = {[1 5][5 12][2 3 4 5 6 7 8][9 10 11 12 13 14 15]};
for k = 1:4
p(k) = line(X(L{k}1)X(L{k}2)X(L{k}3)‘marker‘‘o‘ ...
axis([-750 750 -750 750 0 1500])
% Sliders and controls
labels = {‘speed‘‘stride‘‘sway‘‘hop‘‘bounce‘‘gender‘};
for j = 1:6
switch j
case 1 smin = 0; start = 1; smax = 3;
case 6 smin = -3; start = 0; smax = 3;
otherwise smin = -2; start = 1; smax = 2;
txt = uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘string‘sprintf(‘%4.2f‘start) ...
‘back‘‘w‘‘units‘‘norm‘‘pos‘[.16*j-.10 .11 .08 .03]);
sliders(j) = uicontrol(‘style‘‘slider‘‘units‘‘norm‘‘back‘‘w‘ ...
‘pos‘[.16*j-.13 .07 .14 .03]‘min‘smin‘max‘smax‘val‘start ...
uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘string‘labels{j}‘back‘‘w‘ ...
‘units‘‘norm‘‘pos‘[.16*j-.12 .02 .10 .04])
stop = uicontrol(‘style‘‘toggle‘‘units‘‘norm‘‘pos‘[.91 .94 .08 .05] ...
uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘units‘‘norm‘‘pos‘[.00 .92 .25 .06] ...
‘backgr‘‘w‘‘fontangle‘‘italic‘‘string‘ ...
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 9120 2003-12-23 08:56 walkers.mat
文件 4029 2004-01-05 09:28 walker.m
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
13149 2
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