大小: 6KB文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-05-21
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: hough变换 matlab houghlines houghpeaks
function lines = houghlines(varargin)
%HOUGHLINES Extract line segments based on Hough transform.
% LINES = HOUGHLINES(BW THETA RHO PEAKS) extracts line segments
% in the image BW associated with particular bins in a Hough
% transform. THETA and RHO are vectors returned by function HOUGH.
% Matrix PEAKS which is returned by function HOUGHPEAKS
% contains the row and column coordinates of the Hough transform
% bins to use in searching for line segments. HOUGHLINES returns
% LINES structure array whose length equals the number of merged
% line segments found. Each element of the structure array has
% these fields:
% point1 End-point of the line segment; two-element vector
% point2 End-point of the line segment; two-element vector
% theta Angle (in degrees) of the Hough transform bin
% rho Rho-axis position of the Hough transform bin
% The end-point vectors contain [X Y] coordinates.
% parameters. Parameter names can be abbreviated and case
% does not matter. Each string parameter is followed by a value
% as indicated below:
% ‘FillGap‘ Positive real scalar.
% When HOUGHLINES finds two line segments associated
% with the same Hough transform bin that are separated
% by less than ‘FillGap‘ distance HOUGHLINES merges
% them into a single line segment.
% Default: 20
% ‘MinLength‘ Positive real scalar.
% Merged line segments shorter than ‘MinLength‘
% are discarded.
% Default: 40
% Class Support
% -------------
% BW can be logical or numeric and it must be real 2-D and nonsparse.
% Example
% -------
% Search for line segments corresponding to five peaks in the Hough
% transform of the rotated circuit.tif image. Additionally highlight
% the longest segment.
% I = imread(‘circuit.tif‘);
% rotI = imrotate(I33‘crop‘);
% BW = edge(rotI‘canny‘);
% [HTR] = hough(BW);
% imshow(H[]‘XData‘T‘YData‘R‘InitialMagnification‘‘fit‘);
% xlabel(‘\theta‘) ylabel(‘\rho‘);
% axis on axis normal hold on;
% P = houghpeaks(H5‘threshold‘ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
% x = T(P(:2)); y = R(P(:1));
% plot(xy‘s‘‘color‘‘white‘);
% % Find lines and plot them
% lines = houghlines(BWTRP‘FillGap‘5‘MinLength‘7);
% figure imshow(rotI) hold on
% max_len = 0;
% for k = 1:length(lines)
% xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];
% plot(xy(:1)xy(:2)‘LineWidth‘2‘Color‘‘green‘);
% % plot beginnings and ends of lines
% plot(xy(11)xy(12)‘x‘‘LineWidth‘2‘Color‘‘yellow‘);
% plot(xy(21)xy(22)‘x‘‘LineWidth‘2‘Color‘‘red‘);
% % determine the endpoints of the longest line segment
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 8265 2008-09-28 15:30 houghlines.m
文件 6571 2008-09-26 14:48 houghpeaks.m
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14836 2
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