% l1qc_logbarrier.m
% Solve quadratically constrained l1 minimization:
% min ||x||_1 s.t. ||Ax - b||_2 <= \epsilon
% Reformulate as the second-order cone program
% min_{xu} sum(u) s.t. x - u <= 0
% -x - u <= 0
% 1/2(||Ax-b||^2 - \epsilon^2) <= 0
% and use a log barrier algorithm.
% Usage: xp = l1qc_logbarrier(x0 A At b epsilon lbtol mu cgtol cgmaxiter)
% x0 - Nx1 vector initial point.
% A - Either a handle to a function that takes a N vector and returns a K
% vector or a KxN matrix. If A is a function handle the algorithm
% operates in “largescale“ mode solving the Newton systems via the
% Conjugate Gradients algorithm.
% At - Handle to a function that takes a K vector and returns an N vector.
% If A is a KxN matrix At is ignored.
% b - Kx1 vector of observations.
% epsilon - scalar constraint relaxation parameter
% lbtol - The log barrier algorithm terminates when the duality gap <= lbtol.
% Also the number of log barrier iterations is completely
% determined by lbtol.
% Default = 1e-3.
% mu - Factor by which to increase the barrier constant at each iteration.
% Default = 10.
% cgtol - Tolerance for Conjugate Gradients; ignored if A is a matrix.
% Default = 1e-8.
% cgmaxiter - Maximum number of iterations for Conjugate Gradients; ignored
% if A is a matrix.
% Default = 200.
% Written by: Justin Romberg Caltech
% Email: jrom@acm.caltech.edu
% Created: October 2005
function xp = l1qc_logbarrier(x0 A At b epsilon lbtol mu cgtol cgmaxiter)
largescale = isa(A‘function_handle‘);
if (nargin < 6) lbtol = 1e-3; end
if (nargin < 7) mu = 10; end
if (nargin < 8) cgtol = 1e-8; end
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