% demopsobehavior.m
% demo of the pso.m function
% the pso tries to find the minimum of the f6 function a standard
% benchmark
% on the plots blue is current position green is Pbest and red is Gbest
% Brian Birge
% Rev 2.0
% 10/30/03
clear all
close all
help demopsobehavior
warning off
%aviobj = avifile([‘demopsobehavior.avi‘]);
%xrng=input(‘Input search range for X e.g. [-1010] ? ‘);
%yrng=input(‘Input search range for Y ? ‘);
% if =0 then we look for minimum =1 then max
% minmax=input(‘Search for min (0) or max (1) ?‘);
mvden = input(‘Max velocity divisor ? ‘);
ps = input(‘How many particles? ‘);
modl = input(‘Choose PSO model? ‘);
% note: if errgoal=NaN then unconstrained min or max is performed
if minmax==1
% errgoal=0.97643183; % max for f6 function (close enough for termination)
% errgoal=0; % min
minx = xrng(1);
maxx = xrng(2);
miny = yrng(1);
maxy = yrng(2);
for i=1:dims
varrange=[varrange;minx maxx];
ac = [2.12.1];% acceleration constants only used for modl=0
Iwt = [0.90.6]; % intertia weights only used for modl=0
shw = 100; % how often to update display
epoch = 20000; % max iterations
wt_end = 1500; % iterations it takes to go from Iwt(1) to Iwt(2) only for modl=0
errgrad = 1e-99; % lowest error gradient tolerance
errgraditer=5000; % max # of epochs without error change >= errgrad
PSOseed = 0; % if=1 then can input particle starting positions if= 0 then all random
% starting particle positions (first 20 at zero just for an example)
PSOseedValue = repmat([0]ps-101);
[shw epoch ps ac(1) ac(2) Iwt(1) Iwt(2) ...
wt_end errgrad errgraditer errgoal modl PSOseed];
% run pso
% vectorized version (normally instead of goplotpso4demo use goplotpso or your own)
pso_out=pso_Trelea_vectorized(‘f6‘ dims...
mv varrange minmax psoparams‘goplotpso4demo‘PSOseedValue);
%% vectorized version (normally instead of goplotpso4demo use goplotpso or your own)
%[pso_outtrte]=pso_Trelea_vectorized(‘f6‘ dims...
% mv varrange minmax psoparams‘goplotpso‘PSOseedValue);
%% non-vectorized (much slower but some cost functions can‘t be vectorized)
% pso_out=pso_Trelea(‘f6‘ dims...
% mv varrange minmax psoparams‘goplotpso4demo‘);
disp(‘Best fit parameters: cost = f6(xy)‘);
disp([‘ x = ‘num2str(pso_out(1))]);
disp([‘ y = ‘num2str(pso_out(2))]);
disp([‘ cost = ‘num2str(pso_out(3))]);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 741121 2003-05-22 08:25 PSOtool\PSOtool\A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Primer.pdf
文件 3549 2005-03-22 10:54 PSOtool\PSOtool\DemoPSOBehavior.m
文件 2615 2005-03-22 12:46 PSOtool\PSOtool\goplotpso.m
文件 3260 2005-03-22 12:50 PSOtool\PSOtool\goplotpso4demo.m
文件 172 2004-04-27 15:05 PSOtool\PSOtool\hiddenutils\forcecol.m
文件 181 2004-04-27 15:05 PSOtool\PSOtool\hiddenutils\forcerow.m
文件 4455 2001-08-07 09:15 PSOtool\PSOtool\hiddenutils\normalize.m
文件 14968 2005-03-22 13:01 PSOtool\PSOtool\pso_Trelea.m
文件 19904 2005-03-22 12:52 PSOtool\PSOtool\pso_Trelea_vectorized.m
文件 2626 2005-03-22 13:11 PSOtool\PSOtool\ReadME.txt
文件 871 2004-08-23 13:42 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\ackley.m
文件 639 2004-08-19 15:40 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\alpine.m
文件 732 2004-08-13 13:06 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\DeJong_f2.m
文件 506 2004-08-19 15:39 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\DeJong_f3.m
文件 1004 2004-08-13 13:17 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\DeJong_f4.m
文件 950 2004-08-13 14:04 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\DeJong_f4_noise.m
文件 314 2004-08-19 15:30 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\f6.m
文件 700 2004-08-23 13:42 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\f6mod.m
文件 1510 2004-08-26 13:16 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\f6_bubbles_dyn.m
文件 788 2004-08-20 14:03 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\f6_dynamic.m
文件 839 2004-08-24 13:14 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\f6_linear_dyn.m
文件 806 2004-08-27 13:20 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\f6_spiral_dyn.m
文件 1278 2004-08-13 15:48 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\Foxhole.m
文件 1214 2004-08-13 11:02 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\Griewank.m
文件 749 2004-08-23 15:41 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\linear_dyn.m
文件 663 2004-08-19 15:26 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\NDparabola.m
文件 521 2004-08-19 15:26 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\Rastrigin.m
文件 723 2004-08-19 15:24 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\Rosenbrock.m
文件 841 2004-08-27 15:51 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\spiral_dyn.m
文件 895 2004-08-19 15:23 PSOtool\PSOtool\testfunctions\tripod.m
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