Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimizer for Global Optimization of Multimodal Functions文章的MATLAB 代码
%Reference: J. J. Liang A. K. Qin P. N. Suganthan and S. Baskar “Comprehensive
% learning particle swarm optimizer for global optimization of multimodal
% functions“ IEEE Trans. Evolut. Comput. vol. 10 no. 3 pp. 281–295 2006.
% Note: We obtained the MATLAB source code from the authors and did some
% minor revisions in order to solve the 25 benchmark test functions
% however the main body was not changed.
clear all
format long;
format compact;
% Choose the problems to be tested. Please note that for test functions F7
% and F25 the global optima are out of the initialization range. For these
% two test functions we do not need to judge whether the variable violates
% the boundaries during the evolution after the initialization.
problemSet = 1:15;
array_all_func = [];
outcome_all = [];
for k = 14
% Main body which was provided by the authors
F_index = problemSet(k)
[xminxmaxn] = f_range(F_index);
maxFES = n*10000;
me = maxFES/40;
ps = 40;
%maxFES = n*10000;
outcome = [];
% The total number of runs
totalTime = 25;
for time = 1 : totalTime
rand(‘state‘ sum(100 * clock));
t = 0 : 1 / (ps - 1) : 1;
t = 5 .* t;
Pc = 0.0 + (0.5 - 0.0) .* (exp(t) - exp(t(1))) ./ (exp(t(ps)) - exp(t(1)));
m = 0 .* ones(ps 1);
iwt = 0.9 - (1 : me) * (0.7 / me);
cc = [1.49445 1.49445]; %acceleration constants
lu = [ones(1n)*xmin;ones(1n)*xmax];
mv = 0.2 * (lu(2 :) - lu(1 :));
VRmin = repmat(lu(1 :) ps 1);
VRmax = repmat(lu(2 :) ps 1);
Vmin = repmat(-mv ps 1);
Vmax = -Vmin;
pos = VRmin + (VRmax - VRmin) .* rand(ps n);
for i = 1:ps
e(i:) = f(pos(i:)F_indexn);
%e = benchmark_func(pos problem o A M a alpha b);
fitcount = ps;
vel = Vmin + 2 .* Vmax .* rand(ps n); %initialize the velocity of the particles
pbest = pos;
pbestval = e; %initialize the pbest and the pbest‘s fitness value
array = [min(pbestval)];
[gbestval gbestid] = min(pbestval);
gbest = pbest(gbestid :); %initialize the gbest and the gbest‘s fitness value
gbestrep = repmat(gbest ps 1);
stay_num = zeros(ps 1);
ai = zeros(ps n);
f_pbest = 1 : ps;
f_pbest = repmat(f_pbest‘ 1 n);
for k = 1 : ps
ar = randperm(n);
ai(k ar(1 : m(k))) = 1;
fi1 = ceil(ps * rand(1 n));
fi2 = ceil(ps *
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