该程序给图像添加正弦噪声,然后使用类似Notch Filter将该噪声在Fourier空间中去除。
function [ imageFiltered ] = removeSinoise( strOriginalImage A U0 V0)
%% Function Description
%REMOVESINOISE Add sinusoidal noise to an image and then remove the noise
% Add sinusoidal noise to an image STRORIGINALIMAGE and the sinusoidal
% noise N(xy) is determined by the parameter AUV in the following
% formula: N(xy) = Asin(2*pi*U0*x + 2*pi*V0*y).
% After N(xy) is added the noise is removed in the Fourier Space and
% then get the returned image IMAGEFILTERED
% The original input image to be operated. It can be RGB image or
% GRAY image.
% A
% The amplitude of the noise to add.
% U0 V0
% The Vertical and Horizontal direction components of the sinusoidal
% noise respectively. They determine the frequencies in vertical
% and horizontal direction.
% Author: Guangchun Cheng Department of Computer Science and Egineering
% @ University of North Texas.
% Date: 10/15/2010
close all;
%% STEP1~STEP : Generate Noisy Image
% STEP 1: read an image and convert it to gray scale if it‘s RGB image.
imageOrigin = imread(strOriginalImage);
[M N P] = size(imageOrigin);
if P>1
imageGray = rgb2gray(imageOrigin);
figure imshow(mat2gray(imageGray)); title(‘Original Image‘);
% show the Fourier frequency spectrum of the original image
% imageGrayDouble = double(imageGray);
% imFft = fftshift(fft2(imageGrayDouble));
% imFft = log(1+abs(imFft));
% figure imshow(mat2gray(imFft)); title(‘Original Lenna Freq Spectrum‘);
% STEP 2: Generate noise image N(xy)=Asin(2*pi*U0*x/M + 2*pi*V0*y/N)
% according to the input parameters (A U0 V0).
for x=1:M
for y=1:N
imNoise(xy)=A(1)*sin(2*pi*(x/M)*U0 + 2*pi*(y/N)*V0);
figure imshow(mat2gray(imNoise)); title(‘Noise Image‘);
% show the Fourier frequency spectrum image of the noise image
imFft = fft2(imNoise);
imFft = log(1+abs(fftshift(imFft)));
figure imshow(mat2gray(imFft)); title(‘Noise Freq Spectrum‘);
% STEP 3: Add noise image to the original image and show the result
% in spatial space.
imNoiseUint = uint8(imNoise);
imNoisyImage = mat
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