% Dynamic Fourier Transform Profilometry for Demonstration;
% The main part of programme;
% Edited on Apirl. 10th; By Qican Zhang.
% L0: the distance between CCD Camera and object;%CCD相机和物体之间的距离
% d: the distance between CCD Camera and projector;%CCD和投影仪之间的距离
% p: the period of grating imaging on reference plane;投影到参考平面上的光栅周期
% N: the total number of pixels in row/column of image data(N*N);图片的大小行列数
% n: the total number of frames of image data (n frames);总共的帧数
% sp: the shiftting period of projected grating during the object‘s motion;
clear all
close all
t0 = clock; %将当前时间作为日期向量返回
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘************************* Begin! *************************‘);
disp(‘ ‘);
% Input the parameters and initialize them for using later %输入参数和初始化以便后边使用
[L0dpNn] = ftp4demo_inputparam(540190825610);
theta = atan(d/L0);
f0 = cos(theta)/p;
%f0 = 1/p;
% Simulate the object %
for i = 1:n
Z(::i) = (i/2)*peaks(N); %引入物体
% [Z] = ftp4demo_fun_cri(Nn);
%下面代表显示第n个图 figure; mesh(Z(::n));
idisp(Z(::n)); set(gcf‘Color‘[1 1 1]); title(‘物体‘‘Fontsize‘34);
% Produce the referenced fringe and deformed fringe %
[g] = ftp4demo_fringe(Zf0Nntheta); % 产生参考平面上的条纹以及物体表面的条纹;
idisp(g(::n)); set(gcf‘Color‘[1 1 1]); title(‘物表条纹‘‘Fontsize‘14);
% pause
% gray2bmp(g);
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