基于matlab的用于铣削动力学建模的稳定性叶瓣图分析-stablity lobe
% parameters
N = 2; % number of teeth
Kt = 6e8; % tangential cutting force coef?cient(N/m2)
Kn = 2e8; % normal cutting force coef?cient(N/m2)
w0 = 922*2*pi; % angular natural frequency (rad/s)
zeta = 0.011; % relative damping (1)
m_t = 0.03993; % mass (kg)
aD = 0.05; % radial depth of cut
up_or_down = -1; % 1: up-milling ?1: down-milling
if up_or_down == 1 % up-milling
fist = 0; % start angle
fiex = acos(1 - 2*aD); % exit angle
elseif up_or_down == -1 % down-milling
fist = acos(2*aD - 1); % start angle
fiex = pi; % exit angle
stx = 400; % steps of spindle speed
sty = 200; % steps of depth of cut
w_st = 0e-3; % starting depth of cut (m)
w_fi = 10e-3; % ?nal depth of cut (m)
o_st = 5e3; % starting spindle speed (rpm)
o_fi = 25e3; % ?nal spindle speed (rpm)
% computational parameters
k = 40; % number of discretization interval over one period
intk = 20; % number of numerical integration steps for Equation (37)
m = k; % since time delay = time period
wa =1/2; % since time delay = time period
wb =1/2; % since time delay = time period
D = zeros(m + 2 m + 2); % matrix D
d = ones(m + 1 1);
d(1 : 2) = 0;
D = D + diag(d -1);
D(31) = 1;
% numerical integration of speci?c cutting force coef?cient according to Equation (37)
for i = 1 : k
dtr = 2*pi/N/k; %t if = 2 /N
h_i(i) = 0;
for j = 1 : N % loop for tooth j
for h = 1 : intk % loop for numerical integration of h
fi(h) = i*dtr + ( j - 1)*2*pi/N + h*dtr/intk;
if(fi(h) >= fist)*(fi(h) <= fiex)
g(h) = 1; % tooth is in the cut
g(h) = 0; % tooth is out of cut
h_i(i) = h_i(i) + sum(g.*(Kt.*cos(fi) + Kn.*sin(fi)).*sin(fi))/intk;
% start of computation
for x = 1 : stx + 1 % loop for spindle speeds
o = o_st + (x - 1)*(o_fi - o_st)/stx; % spindle speed
tau = 60/o/N; % time delay
dt = tau/(m); % time step
for y = 1 : sty + 1 % loop for depth of cuts
w = w_st + (y - 1)*(w_fi - w_st)/sty; % depth of cut
% construct transition matrix Fi
Fi = eye(m + 2 m + 2);
for i = 1 : m
A = zeros(2 2); % matrix Ai
A(12) = 1;
A(21) = -w0^2 - h_i(i)*w/m_t;
A(22) = -2*zeta*w0;
B = zeros(2 2); % matrix Bi
B(21) = h_i(i)*w/m_t;
P = expm(A*dt); % matrix Pi
R = (expm(A*dt) - eye(2))*inv(A)*B; % matrix Ri
D(1 : 2 1 : 2) = P;
D(1 : 2 m + 1) = wa*R(1 : 2 1 : 1);
D(1 : 2 m + 2) = wb*R(1 : 2 1 : 1);
Fi = D*Fi; % transition matrix
ss(xy) = o; % matrix of spindle speeds
dc(xy) = w; % matrix of depth of cuts
ei(xy) = max(abs(eig(Fi))); % matrix of eigenvalues
stx + 1 - x
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 3100 2013-03-19 15:38 lobe_semi.m
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