matlab中的Kriging KG工具箱,dace工具箱
% DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments) Toolbox
% Version 2.5 September 4 2002
% Copyright (c) 2002 by Hans Bruun Nielsen and IMM.
% Model construction
% dacefit - Constrained non-linear least-squares fit of a given
% correlation model to the provided data set and
% regression model.
% Model prediction
% predictor - Model predictor with mean squared error estimate.
% Regression functions
% regpoly0 - Zero order polynomial.
% regpoly1 - First order polynomial.
% regpoly2 - Second order polynomial.
% Correlation functions
% corrcubic - Local support cubic polynomial
% correxp - Exponential.
% correxpg - General exponential.
% corrgauss - Gaussian.
% corrlin - Local support linear.
% corrspherical - Local support spherical.
% corrspline - Local support cubic spline.
% Experimental Design
% gridsamp - Points in a regular grid.
% lhsamp - Latin hypercube distributed random numbers.
% Auxiliary functions
% dsmerge - Merge data for multiple design sites.
% Data files
% data1.mat - Example data S and Y
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