function [qua_n DCMbn_n euler] = att_update(wb DCMbn qua omega_ie_N omega_en_N dt att_mode)
% att_update: updates attitude using quaternion or DCM.
% wb 3x1 incremental turn-rates in body-frame (rad/s).
% DCMbn 3x3 body-to-nav DCM.
% qua 4x1 quaternion.
% omega_ie_N 3x1 Earth rate (rad/s).
% omega_en_N 3x1 Transport rate (rad/s).
% dt 1x1 INS time period (s).
% att_mode attitude mode string.
% ‘quaternion‘: attitude updated in quaternion format. Default value.
% ‘dcm‘: attitude updated in Direct Cosine Matrix format.
% qua_n 4x1 updated quaternion.
% DCMbn_n 3x3 updated body-to-nav DCM.
% euler 3x1 updated Euler angles (rad).
% Copyright (C) 2014 Rodrigo Gonzalez all rights reserved.
% This file is part of NaveGo an open-source MATLAB toolbox for
% simulation of integrated navigation systems.
% NaveGo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
% version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
% License along with this program. If not see
% .
% Reference:
% Crassidis J.L. and Junkins J.L. (2011). Optimal Esti-
% mation of Dynamic Systems 2nd Ed. Chapman and Hall/CRC USA.
% Eq. 7.39 p. 458.
% Version: 003
% Date: 2016/11/26
% Author: Rodrigo Gonzalez
% URL: https://github.com/rodralez/navego
if nargin < 7 att_mode = ‘quaternion‘; end
%% Correct gyros output for Earth rate and Transport rate
wb_n = ( wb - DCMbn‘ * (omega_ie_N + omega_en_N));
if strcmp(att_mode ‘quaternion‘)
%% Quaternion update
qua_n = qua_update(qua wb_n dt); % Update quaternion
qua_n = qua_n / norm(qua_n); % Brute-force normalization
DCMbn_n = qua2dcm(qua_n); % Update DCM
euler = qua2euler(qua_n); % Update Euler angles
elseif strcmp(att_mode ‘dcm‘)
%% DCM update
euler_i = wb_n * dt; % Incremental Euler angles
DCMbn_n = dcm_update(DCMbn euler_i); % Update DCM
euler = dcm2euler(DCMbn_n); % Update Euler angles
qua_n = euler2qua(euler); % Update quaternion
qua_n = qua_n / norm(qua_n); % Brute-force normalization
error(‘att_update: no attitude update mode defined.‘)
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