function compile(opt verb mex_file)
% Build MEX source code.
% All compiled binaries are placed in the bin/ directory.
% Windows users: Windows is not yet supported. You can likely
% get the code to compile with some modifications but please
% do not email to ask for support.
% Arguments
% opt Compile with optimizations (default: on)
% verb Verbose output (default: off)
% if ispc
% error(‘This code is not supported on Windows.‘);
% end
if nargin < 1
opt = true;
if nargin < 2
verb = false;
% Start building the mex command
mexcmd = ‘mex -outdir bin‘;
% Add verbosity if requested
if verb
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ -v‘];
% Add optimizations if requested
if opt
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ -O‘];
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ CXXOPTIMFLAGS=“-O3 -DNDEBUG“‘];
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ LDOPTIMFLAGS=“-O3“‘];
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ -g‘];
% Turn all warnings on
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ CXXFLAGS=“\$CXXFLAGS -Wall“‘];
mexcmd = [mexcmd ‘ LDFLAGS=“\$LDFLAGS -Wall“‘];
if nargin < 3
% Build feature vector cache code
fv_compile(opt verb);
% Build the star-cascade code
cascade_compile(opt verb);
eval([mexcmd ‘ features/resize.cc‘]);
eval([mexcmd ‘ features/features.cc‘]);
eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/dt.cc‘]);
eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/bounded_dt.cc‘]);
eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/get_detection_trees.cc‘]);
eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/compute_overlap.cc‘]);
% Convolution routine
% Use one of the following depending on your setup
% (0) is fastest (2) is slowest
% 0) multithreaded convolution using SSE
% eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/fconvsse.cc -o fconv‘]);
% 1) multithreaded convolution
%eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/fconv_var_dim_MT.cc -o fconv‘]);
% 2) basic convolution very compatible
eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/fconv_var_dim.cc -output fconv‘]);
% Convolution routine that can handle feature dimenions other than 32
% 0) multithreaded convolution
%eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/fconv_var_dim_MT.cc -o fconv_var_dim‘]);
% 1) single-threaded convolution
eval([mexcmd ‘ gdetect/fconv_var_dim.cc -output fconv_var_dim‘]);
eval([mexcmd ‘ ‘ mex_file]);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 33688 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\000034.jpg
文件 43224 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\000061.jpg
文件 38547 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\000084.jpg
文件 2215 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bbox_pred\bboxpred_data.m
文件 1104 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bbox_pred\bboxpred_get.m
文件 1351 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bbox_pred\bboxpred_input.m
文件 2447 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bbox_pred\bboxpred_rescore.m
文件 1894 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bbox_pred\bboxpred_train.m
文件 0 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\.gitignore
文件 9216 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\bounded_dt.mexw64
文件 29184 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\cascade.mexw64
文件 10752 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\compute_overlap.mexw64
文件 9728 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\dt.mexw64
文件 10240 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\fconv.mexw64
文件 10240 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\fconv_var_dim.mexw64
文件 12800 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\features.mexw64
文件 14336 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\get_detection_trees.mexw64
文件 9728 2017-09-03 18:08 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\bin\resize.mexw64
文件 13056 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\car_grammar\car_grammar_init.m
文件 1283 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\car_grammar\pascal_car_grammar.m
文件 1148 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\car_grammar\pascal_train_car_grammar.m
文件 278 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\car_grammar\voc_config_car_grammar.m
文件 2112 2017-09-03 18:03 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\compile.m
文件 3640 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\context\context_data.m
文件 4184 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\context\context_labels.m
文件 541 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\context\context_rescore.m
文件 1766 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\context\context_test.m
文件 1401 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\context\context_train.m
文件 1200 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\COPYING
文件 273 2012-09-07 01:05 voc-release5(Win7+matlab2016b可运行)\data\imreadx.m
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