Y. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Guo, C. Xiao, and W. An, Selective light field refocusing for camera arrays using bokeh rendering and superresolution. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2018.
%% This function renders the bokeh in out-of-focus regions
function I_bokeh = bokeh_rendering(LF_Image Disparity slope K)
[u v row col ~] = size(LF_Image);
cu = 0.5*(u+1);
cv = 0.5*(v+1);
I_center = squeeze(LF_Image(cu cv : : :));
I_bokeh = I_center; % Set the initial bokeh image as the center-view sub-image
delta_Dis = Disparity - slope*ones(size(Disparity));% Equation (5)
Radius = K*delta_Dis;
Rmax = max(abs(Radius(:))); % maximum radius of CoC in the image.
Patchsize = ceil(2*Rmax); % ensure that Patch radius is larger than Rmax
if (Patchsize/2 == round(Patchsize/2)) % ensure that Patchsize is an odd number
Patchsize = Patchsize + 1;
pr = (Patchsize+1)/2; % Patch radius
Patch = zeros(size(Patchsize Patchsize));
ONE = ones(size(Patch));
ZERO = zeros(size(Patch));
% Calculate the weight of the anisotropic filter
for i = 1 : Patchsize
for j = 1 : Patchsize
Patch(i j) = sqrt((pr-i)^2+(pr-j)^2);
% Render the bokeh with an anisotropic filter
parfor i = pr : row-pr+1
for j = pr : col-pr+1
RPatch = squeeze(Radius(i-pr+1 : i+pr-1 j-pr+1 : j+pr-1));
Mask = ( ONE.*double(abs(RPatch)-Patch>0.5*ONE) + ZERO.*double(Patch-abs(RPatch)>0.5*ONE) ...
+(abs(RPatch)-Patch+0.5*ONE).*double(abs(RPatch)-Patch<=0.5*ONE).*double(Patch-abs(RPatch)<=0.5*ONE) )...
.*((abs(RPatch(prpr)) < K) * double(RPatch - RPatch(prpr)*ONE > -0.2*Rmax*ONE)...
+ double(abs(RPatch(prpr)) >= K) * ONE);
Mask = Mask/sum(Mask(:));
for color = 1 : 3
IPatch = squeeze(I_center(i-pr+1 : i+pr-1 j-pr+1 : j+pr-1 color));
I_bokeh(i j color) = sum(double(IPatch(:)).*Mask(:));
for color = 1 : 3 % Dealing with image boundaries
I_bokeh( : 1:pr-1 color) = repmat(I_bokeh( : pr color) 1 pr-1);
I_bokeh( : col-pr+2:end color) =repmat(I_bokeh( : col-pr+1 color) 1 pr-1);
I_bokeh( 1:pr-1 : color) = repmat(I_bokeh( pr : color) pr-1 1);
I_bokeh( row-pr+2:end : color) = repmat(I_bokeh( row-pr+1 : color) pr-1 1);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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....... 2316 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\bokeh_rendering.m
....... 2443 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Demo_run.m
....... 1584310 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0101.png
....... 1590637 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0102.png
....... 1602782 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0103.png
....... 1594102 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0201.png
....... 1607089 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0202.png
....... 1611163 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0203.png
....... 1583282 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0301.png
....... 1599852 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0302.png
....... 1593405 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls\0303.png
....... 319 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\getD.m
....... 528 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Gradient_BTV.m
....... 390 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\ImWarp.m
....... 835 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\L2GradientBackProject.m
....... 1320 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\L2SD.m
....... 1657 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Lightfield_SR.m
....... 2210 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\local_dispt_estm.m
....... 366 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\maxfilter.m
....... 707 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\medianfilter.m
文件 276 2018-12-13 09:12 Wang2018Selective\readme.txt
....... 2490 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\RGDP_optm.m
....... 180 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\ScaleAdjust.m
目录 0 2018-12-13 09:06 Wang2018Selective\Dolls
目录 0 2018-12-13 09:07 Wang2018Selective
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