
%% *************************************************************************************** %%
%% Face Detection and Tracking
%% This example shows how to automatically detect and track a face.
%% Adopt Algorithm: Camshift
%% Author: Zhang Changchun
%% Email:zhangchangchun1989@163.com
%% Date :10/07/2015
%% *************************************************************************************** %%
clear all;
close all
closepreview %%关闭视频预览窗口
faceDetector = vision.CascadeobjectDetector();%%人脸检测利用Matlab计算机视觉工具箱自带的vision.CascadeobjectDetector();
%videoFileReader = vision.VideoFileReader(‘visionface.avi‘);
%videoframe = step(videoFileReader);
%bbox = step(faceDetector videoframe);
obj = VideoReader(‘zn1.avi‘);
Image1 = read(obj1);
bbox = step(faceDetectorImage1);
numberofframes = obj.NumberOfframes;
% get search window for first frame
cmin = round(bbox(11));
cmax = round(bbox(11)+bbox(14));
rmin = round(bbox(12));
rmax = round(bbox(12)+bbox(13));
wsize(1) = abs(rmax - rmin);
wsize(2) = abs(cmax - cmin);
% create histogram
% translate to hsv
hsvimage = rgb2hsv(Image1);
% pull out the h
huenorm = hsvimage(::1);
% scale to 0 to 255
hue = huenorm*255;
% set unit type
% Getting Histogram of Image:
histogram = zeros(256);
for i=rmin:rmax
for j=cmin:cmax
index = uint8(hue(ij)+1);
%count number of each pixel
histogram(index) = histogram(index) + 1;
for n = 1:numberofframes
I=read(objn); % 依次读入各帧图像
% translate to hsv
hsvimage = rgb2hsv(I);
% pull out the h
huenorm = hsvimage(::1);
% scale to 0 to 255
hue = huenorm*255;
% set unit type
[rows cols] = size(hue);
% choose initial search window
% the search window is (cmin rmin) to (cmax rmax)
probmap = zeros(rows cols);
for r=1:rows
for c=1:cols
if(hue(rc) ~= 0)
probmap(rc)= histogram(hue(rc));
probmap = probmap/max(max(probmap));
probmap = probmap*255;
count = 0;
rowcenter = 0; % any number just so it runs through at least twice
colcenter = 0;
rowcenterold = 30;
colcenterold = 30;
% Mean Shift for 15 iterations or until convergence(the center doesnt
% change)
while (((abs(rowcenter - rowcenterold) > 10) && (abs(colcenter - colcenterold) > 10)) || (count < 15) )
%for j = 1:5
% disp(j);
rmin = rmin - 20; %increase window size and check for center
rmax = rmax + 20;
cmin = cmin - 20;
cmax = cmax + 20;
rowcenterold = rowcenter; %save old center for convergence check
colcenterold = colcenter;
[ rowcenter colcenter M00 ] = meanshift(I rmin rmax cmin...
cmax probmap);
% given image (I) search window(rmin rmax cmin cmax)
% r
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4763 2015-11-15 16:55 last_edition\camshift.m
文件 5432 2015-10-07 15:53 last_edition\cam_kal.m
文件 848 2005-04-25 19:29 last_edition\gaussian_prob.m
文件 22580 2015-10-07 19:28 last_edition\hs_err_pid4480.log
文件 2899 2002-05-29 11:59 last_edition\kalman_filter.m
文件 1584 2002-05-29 11:59 last_edition\kalman_smoother.m
文件 1840 2002-05-29 11:59 last_edition\kalman_update.m
文件 5564 2015-11-15 17:02 last_edition\last.m
文件 1272 2013-10-23 19:52 last_edition\meanshift.m
文件 524 2005-04-25 19:29 last_edition\sample_gaussian.m
文件 1797 2008-05-06 18:20 last_edition\sample_lds.m
文件 1199 2002-05-29 11:59 last_edition\smooth_update.m
文件 2320584 2011-11-14 14:42 last_edition\visionface.avi
目录 0 2016-03-26 23:26 last_edition
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
2370886 14
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