• 大小: 2.67MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
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    发布日期: 2023-09-13
  • 语言: Matlab
  • 标签: Matlab  时频分析  


很实用的时频分析工具箱,包括短时傅里叶正反变换等,很好,很强大哦~~分享给大家,包括以下函数的源代码: % sigmerge - Add two signals with given energy ratio in dB. % % Choice of the Instantaneous Amplitude % amexpo1s - Generate one-sided exponential amplitude modulation. % amexpo2s - Generate bilateral exponential amplitude modulation. % amgauss - Generate gaussian amplitude modulation. % amrect - Generate rectangular amplitude modulation. % amtriang - Generate triangular amplitude modulation. % % Choice of the Instantaneous Frequency % fmconst - Signal with constant frequency modulation. % fmhyp - Signal with hyperbolic frequency modulation. % fmlin - Signal with linear frequency modulation. % fmodany - Signal with arbitrary frequency modulation. % fmpar - Signal with parabolic frequency modulation. % fmpower - Signal with power-law frequency modulation. % fmsin - Signal with sinusoidal frequency modulation. % gdpower - Signal with a power-law group delay. % % Choice of Particular Signals % altes - Altes signal in time domain. % anaask - Amplitude Shift Keyed (ASK) signal. % anabpsk - Binary Phase Shift Keyed (BPSK) signal. % anafsk - Frequency Shift Keyed (FSK) signal. % anapulse - Analytic projection of unit amplitude impulse signal. % anaqpsk - Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed (QPSK) signal. % anasing - Lipschitz singularity. % anastep - Analytic projection of unit step signal. % atoms - Linear combination of elementary Gaussian wave packets. % dopnoise - Generate complex Doppler random signal. % doppler - Generate complex Doppler signal. % klauder - Klauder wavelet in time domain. % mexhat - Mexican hat wavelet in time domain. % tftb_window - Window generation (previously window.m). % % Addition of Noise % noisecg - Analytic complex gaussian noise. % noisecu - Analytic complex uniform noise. % % Modification % scale - Scale signal using Mellin transform. % % % Processing Files % % Time-Domain Process



%  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
%  (at your option) any later version.
%  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%  GNU General Public License for more details.
%  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%  along with this program; if not write to the Free Software
%  Foundation Inc. 51 Franklin St Fifth Floor Boston MA  02110-1301  USA
%TFDEMO Demonstrate some of Time-Frequency Toolbox‘s capabilities.
% TFDEMO by itself presents a menu of demos.

% O.Lemoine - May 1996.
% Copyright (c) CNRS.

clg; clear; clc;

while TFTBcontinue==1
 choice = menu(‘Time-Frequency Toolbox Demonstrations‘...
    ‘Non stationary signals‘ ...
    ‘Linear time-frequency representations‘ ...
    ‘Cohen‘‘s class time-frequency distributions‘ ...
    ‘Affine class time-frequency distributions‘ ...
    ‘Reassigned time-frequency distributions‘ ...
    ‘Post-processing ‘...
 if choice==1
 elseif choice==2
 elseif choice==3
 elseif choice==4
 elseif choice==5
 elseif choice==6
 elseif choice==7
 elseif choice==8

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     目录           0  2012-03-11 11:04  tftb-0.1\
     文件          64  2005-10-15 23:26  tftb-0.1\AUTHORS
     文件       18011  2005-10-13 23:03  tftb-0.1\COPYING
     目录           0  2005-10-15 23:34  tftb-0.1\data\
     文件       16568  2005-10-13 23:06  tftb-0.1\data\bat.mat
     文件      348866  2005-10-13 23:06  tftb-0.1\data\gabor.mat
     文件       34816  2005-10-13 23:06  tftb-0.1\data\movcw4at.mat
     目录           0  2005-10-15 23:34  tftb-0.1\demos\
     文件        1552  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo.m
     文件        5988  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo1.m
     文件       10051  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo2.m
     文件       10367  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo3.m
     文件       14603  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo4.m
     文件       10543  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo5.m
     文件        6563  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo6.m
     文件        7780  2005-10-13 23:13  tftb-0.1\demos\tfdemo7.m
     文件        1031  2005-10-15 23:26  tftb-0.1\INSTALL
     目录           0  2012-03-11 14:27  tftb-0.1\mfiles\
     文件        2409  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\altes.m
     文件        2884  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\ambifunb.m
     文件        5455  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\ambifuwb.m
     文件        1620  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\amexpo1s.m
     文件        1628  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\amexpo2s.m
     文件        1654  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\amgauss.m
     文件        1601  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\amrect.m
     文件        1634  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\amtriang.m
     文件        1971  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\anaask.m
     文件        2060  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\anabpsk.m
     文件        2100  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\anafsk.m
     文件        1397  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\anapulse.m
     文件        2217  2005-10-13 23:14  tftb-0.1\mfiles\anaqpsk.m


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