大小: 8.02MB文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-10-06
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: matlab statistics toolbox
matlab statistics toolbox,解压到toolbox路径下,addpath即可使用
classdef ClassificationDiscriminant < ...
classreg.learning.classif.FullClassificationModel & ...
%ClassificationDiscriminant Discriminant analysis.
% ClassificationDiscriminant is a discriminant model for classification.
% It can predict response for new data. It also stores data used for
% training and can compute resubstitution predictions.
% An object of this class cannot be created by calling the constructor.
% Use ClassificationDiscriminant.fit to create a
% ClassificationDiscriminant object by fitting the discriminant to
% training data.
% This class is derived from CompactClassificationDiscriminant.
% ClassificationDiscriminant properties:
% NObservations - Number of observations.
% X - Matrix of predictors used to train this discriminant.
% XCentered - Matrix of predictors with subtracted class means.
% Y - True class labels used to train this discriminant.
% W - Weights of observations used to train this discriminant.
% ModelParams - Discriminant parameters.
% PredictorNames - Names of predictors used for this discriminant.
% ResponseName - Name of the response variable.
% ClassNames - Names of classes in Y.
% Cost - Misclassification costs.
% Prior - Prior class probabilities.
% ScoreTransform - Transformation applied to predicted classification scores.
% DiscrimType - Discriminant type.
% Gamma - Regularization parameter for correlation matrix of predictors.
% Delta - Threshold for linear coefficients.
% MinGamma - Minimal allowed Gamma.
% DeltaPredictor - Threshold at which predictor is eliminated from the model.
% Mu - Matrix of class means.
% Sigma - Within-class covariance matrix.
% BetweenSigma - Between-class covariance matrix.
% LogDetSigma - Natural log of determinant of within-class covariance matrix.
% Coeffs - Discriminant coefficients.
% ClassificationDiscriminant methods:
% fit (static) - Fit a discriminant.
% make (static) - Make a compact discriminant from class means and covariance matrix.
% template (static) - Discriminant template for FITENSEMBLE.
% compact - Compact this discriminant.
% crossval - Cross-validate this discriminant.
% cvshrink - Cross-validate regularization of this discriminant.
% edge - Classification edge.
% logP - Log of the unconditional probability.
% loss - Classification loss.
% margin - Classifi
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5566 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\ClassifByBinaryRegr.m
文件 12503 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\ClassificationBaggedEnsemble.m
文件 17147 2012-09-21 04:14 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\ClassificationEnsemble.m
文件 18325 2012-09-21 04:14 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\ClassificationModel.m
文件 1143 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\CompactClassifByBinaryRegr.m
文件 29295 2012-11-09 02:57 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\CompactClassificationDiscriminant.m
文件 19292 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\CompactClassificationEnsemble.m
文件 40932 2012-12-20 15:31 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\CompactClassificationTree.m
文件 25025 2012-09-21 04:14 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+classif\FullClassificationModel.m
文件 1082 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+combiner\WeightedAverage.m
文件 3390 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+combiner\WeightedSum.m
文件 2649 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+ensemble\BaggedEnsemble.m
文件 14098 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+ensemble\CompactEnsemble.m
文件 8513 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+ensemble\Ensemble.m
文件 691 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+generator\BlankGenerator.m
文件 4771 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+generator\Generator.m
文件 4882 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+generator\MajorityUndersampler.m
文件 6723 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+generator\Partitioner.m
文件 4589 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+generator\Resampler.m
文件 6211 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+generator\SubspaceSampler.m
文件 1752 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\CholeskyDiscriminantCalculator.m
文件 4880 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\CompactEnsembleImpl.m
文件 3171 2012-09-21 04:14 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\CompactTreeImpl.m
文件 1319 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\DiagonalDiscriminantCalculator.m
文件 1630 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\DiscriminantCalculator.m
文件 3214 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\DiscriminantImpl.m
文件 15204 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\LinearDiscriminantImpl.m
文件 10377 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\QuadraticDiscriminantImpl.m
文件 2892 2012-09-09 23:38 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\RegularizedDiscriminantCalculator.m
文件 26441 2012-11-09 02:57 stats\classreg\+classreg\+learning\+impl\TreeImpl.m
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