function [estFin optFin estHist state] = ...
BiGAMP(gX gA gOut problem opt state)
% BiGAMP: Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing
% The BiG-AMP algorithm is intended for the estimation of
% random matrices A and X observed through the Markov Chain
% XA -> Z = A*X -> Y
% where the components of X and A are independent and the mapping Z -> Y is
% separable. X is NxL A is MxN and ZY are consequently MxL.
% -------
% gX: An input estimator derived from the EstimIn class
% based on the input distribution p_x_{nl}(x_nl).
% gA: An input estimator derived from the EstimIn class
% based on the input distribution p_a_{mn}(a_mn).
% gOut: An output estimator derived from the EstimOut class
% based on the output distribution p_{Y|Z}(y_ml|z_ml).
% problem: An objet of the class BiGAMPProblem specifying the problem
% setup including the matrix dimensions and observation locations
% opt (optional): A set of options of the class BiGAMPOpt.
% state (optional): A structure containing all the values needed to warm
% start BiG-AMP
% --------
% estFin: Structure containing final BiG-AMP outputs
% optFin: The BiGAMPOpt object used
% estHist: Structure containing per iteration metrics about the run
% state: The values of all parameters required to warm start the algorithm
%% Setup
% Get options
if (nargin < 5)
opt = BiGAMPOpt();
elseif (isempty(opt))
opt = BiGAMPOpt();
nit = opt.nit; % number of iterations
nitMin = opt.nitMin; % minimum number of iterations
step = opt.step; % step size
stepMin = opt.stepMin; % minimum step size
stepMax = opt.stepMax; % maximum step size
stepFilter = opt.stepFilter; % step filter setting <1 for no effect
adaptStep = opt.adaptStep; % adaptive step size
adaptStepBethe = opt.adaptStepBethe; %Use the cost computed from Bethe free energy
stepIncr = opt.stepIncr; % step inc on succesful step
stepDecr = opt.stepDecr; % step dec on failed step
stepWindow = opt.stepWindow; % step size check window size
verbose = opt.verbose; % Print results in each iteration
diagnostics = opt.diagnostics; % Save diagnostic information
tol = opt.tol; % Convergence tolerance
stepTol = opt.stepTol; % minimum allowed step size
pvarStep = opt.pvarStep; % incldue step size in pvar/zvar
uniformVariance =...
opt.uniformVariance; % use scalar variances
varNorm = opt.varNorm; % normalize variances
compVal = adaptStep; % only compute cost function for adaptive
maxBadSteps = opt.maxBadSteps; % maximum number of allowed bad steps
maxStepDecr = opt.maxStepDecr; % amount to decrease maxStep after failures
zvarToPvarMax = opt.zvarToPvarMax; % maximum zvar/pvar ratio
%Warn about beta status of adaptBethe
if adaptStepBethe
warning(‘Bethe based step-size selection for BiG-AMP is NOT YET CORRECT. Do not use!‘)
%This op
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 16532 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\data\rankOneIter.eps
文件 2898 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\data\rankOneSE.mat
文件 14512 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\data\rankOneSim.eps
文件 78733 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\data\rankOneTest_iter.mat
文件 48765 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\data\rankOneTest_iterFac.mat
文件 16513 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\data\rankOneTest_svd.mat
文件 1815 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\rankOneBatch.m
文件 6560 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\rankOneFit.m
文件 1144 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\RankOneFitOpt.m
文件 2423 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\rankOnePlot.m
文件 3144 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\rankOneSE.asv
文件 3371 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\rankOneSE.m
文件 4982 2012-02-16 11:41 matrixFactor\rankOneTest.m
文件 69 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xy\ctranspose.m
文件 108 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xy\Emat_xy.m
文件 113 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xy\getElement.m
文件 795 2012-11-05 16:15 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xy\mtimes.m
文件 69 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xyt\ctranspose.m
文件 390 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xyt\Emat_xyt.m
文件 129 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xyt\getElement.m
文件 909 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@Emat_xyt\mtimes.m
文件 69 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TempFFT\ctranspose.m
文件 109 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TempFFT\getElement.m
文件 291 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TempFFT\mtimes.m
文件 179 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TempFFT\TempFFT.m
文件 69 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TVOP\ctranspose.m
文件 79 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TVOP\getElement.m
文件 91 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TVOP\mtimes.m
文件 475 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TVOP\private\adjD.m
文件 383 2012-10-15 18:44 MRI\demo_cs_mri\@TVOP\private\D.m
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