% Gesture recognition with Matlab.
% Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Holleczek ETH Zurich
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation either version 3 of the License or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not see .
function x = callback_classification(winner winner_mag)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 236 2012-05-11 11:07 hg\comments.txt
文件 18321 2012-05-11 11:05 hg\LICENSE.txt
文件 2292 2012-05-11 11:06 hg\README.txt
文件 786 2012-05-11 11:10 hg\Matlab\callback_classification.m
文件 4048 2012-05-11 11:10 hg\Matlab\classificationGUI.m
文件 3035 2012-05-11 11:12 hg\Matlab\classify.m
文件 2392 2012-05-11 11:12 hg\Matlab\converter.m
文件 610 2012-05-11 11:13 hg\Matlab\create_units.m
文件 293247 2012-05-11 11:13 hg\Matlab\data.mat
文件 50134 2012-05-11 11:13 hg\Matlab\default.mat
文件 3059 2012-05-11 11:14 hg\Matlab\discretize.m
文件 1090 2012-05-11 11:14 hg\Matlab\discretizePositive(1).m
文件 1090 2012-05-11 11:14 hg\Matlab\discretizePositive.m
文件 1074 2012-05-11 11:15 hg\Matlab\em_converged.m
文件 1005 2012-05-11 11:15 hg\Matlab\extract_from_buffer.m
文件 1561 2012-05-11 11:16 hg\Matlab\forwards.m
文件 1629 2012-05-11 11:17 hg\Matlab\forwards_backwards.m
文件 4996 2012-05-11 11:09 hg\Matlab\Gesture.m
文件 4892 2012-05-11 11:17 hg\Matlab\init.m
文件 5850 2012-05-11 11:18 hg\Matlab\learn_dhmm.m
文件 380 2012-05-11 11:18 hg\Matlab\log_lik_dhmm.m
文件 573 2012-05-11 11:19 hg\Matlab\mk_dhmm_obs_lik.m
文件 812 2012-05-11 11:20 hg\Matlab\mk_stochastic.m
文件 9679 2012-05-11 11:20 hg\Matlab\mygui.m
文件 8007 2012-05-11 11:21 hg\Matlab\mygui2.m
文件 15427 2012-05-11 11:22 hg\Matlab\newStream.m
文件 1207 2012-05-11 11:22 hg\Matlab\new_buffer_index.m
文件 343 2012-05-11 11:22 hg\Matlab\normalise.m
文件 844 2012-05-11 11:23 hg\Matlab\printBuffer.m
文件 6223 2012-05-11 11:23 hg\Matlab\recordGUI.m
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- 基于HMM的语音识别MATLAB代码
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- pose estimation code
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