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- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: multitaskGP Matlab 机器学习
高斯过程(GP)模型是非参数贝叶斯回归的一种灵活方法。然而,在大数据中使用GP模型的大多数现有工作都是为单变量输出时间序列定义的,称为单任务GPs (single-task GPs, STGP)。在此,利用GPs同时对多个相关单变量生理时间序列进行建模。由此产生的多任务GP (MTGP)框架可以学习多个信号之间的相关性,即使它们可能以不同的频率采样,并具有针对不同间隔的训练集。MTGPs可有效地学习了生理时间序列之间的相关性,从而提高了建模精度。
多任务高斯过程模型 Matlab工具箱 (包括多个例子)
function [varargout] = MTGP(hyp inf mean cov lik x y xs ys)
% Gaussian Process inference and prediction. The gp function provides a
% flexible framework for Bayesian inference and prediction with Gaussian
% processes for scalar targets i.e. both regression and binary
% classification. The prior is Gaussian process defined through specification
% of its mean and covariance function. The likelihood function is also
% specified. Both the prior and the likelihood may have hyperparameters
% associated with them.
% Two modes are possible: training or prediction: if no test cases are
% supplied then the negative log marginal likelihood and its partial
% derivatives w.r.t. the hyperparameters is computed; this mode is used to fit
% the hyperparameters. If test cases are given then the test set predictive
% probabilities are returned. Usage:
% training: [nlZ dnlZ ] = gp(hyp inf mean cov lik x y);
% prediction: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 ] = gp(hyp inf mean cov lik x y xs);
% or: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 lp] = gp(hyp inf mean cov lik x y xs ys);
% where:
% hyp column vector of hyperparameters
% inf function specifying the inference method
% cov prior covariance function (see below)
% mean prior mean function
% lik likelihood function
% x n by D matrix of training inputs
% y column vector of length n of training targets
% xs ns by D matrix of test inputs
% ys column vector of length nn of test targets
% nlZ returned value of the negative log marginal likelihood
% dnlZ column vector of partial derivatives of the negative
% log marginal likelihood w.r.t. each hyperparameter
% ymu column vector (of length ns) of predictive output means
% ys2 column vector (of length ns) of predictive output variances
% fmu column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent means
% fs2 column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent variances
% lp column vector (of length ns) of log predictive probabilities
% post struct representation of the (approximate) posterior
% 3rd output in training mode or 6th output in prediction mode
% can be reused in prediction mode gp(.. cov lik x post xs..)
% See also covFunctions.m infMethods.m likFunctions.m meanFunctions.m.
% Copyright (c) by Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch 2013-01-21
if nargin<7 || nargin>9
disp(‘Usage: [nlZ dnlZ ] = gp(hyp inf mean cov lik x y);‘)
disp(‘ or: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 ] = gp(hyp inf mean cov lik x y xs);‘)
disp(‘ or: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 lp] = gp(hyp inf mean cov lik x y xs ys);‘)
if isempty(mean) mean = {@meanZero}; end % set default mean
if ischar(mean) || isa(mean ‘function_handle‘) mean = {mean}; end % make cell
if isempty(cov) error(‘Covariance function cannot be empty‘); end % no default
if ischar(cov) ||
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2014-03-28 05:01 MTGP v1.4\cov\
文件 258 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\corr_2d.m
文件 142 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\corr_nd.m
文件 2796 2014-03-09 11:13 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covCC_chol_nD.m
文件 3568 2014-03-09 11:15 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covCC_chol_nD_mask.m
文件 2329 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covMaterniso.m
文件 2250 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covMaternisoU.m
文件 3274 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covMaternisoU_shift.m
文件 3954 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covMaternisoU_shift_mask.m
文件 1963 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covNoise.m
文件 1860 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covPeriodiciso.m
文件 1816 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covPeriodicisoU.m
文件 1783 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covPeriodicisoUU.m
文件 2857 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covPeriodicisoUU_shift.m
文件 3538 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covPeriodicisoUU_shift_mask.m
文件 2415 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covProd.m
文件 4150 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covQPMisoUU_shift.m
文件 4784 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covQPMisoUU_shift_mask.m
文件 3571 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covQPSisoUU_shift.m
文件 4249 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covQPSisoUU_shift_mask.m
文件 2149 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covRQiso.m
文件 1984 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covRQisoU.m
文件 4302 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSEconU.m
文件 1882 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSEiso.m
文件 1765 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSEisoU.m
文件 2870 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSEisoU_shift.m
文件 3554 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSEisoU_shift_mask.m
文件 3388 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSEisoU_shift_nD.m
文件 2162 2014-02-12 17:16 MTGP v1.4\cov\MTGP_covSum.m
目录 0 2014-03-28 04:59 MTGP v1.4\example\
目录 0 2014-03-28 05:02 MTGP v1.4\example\convolution\
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