
function count = cprintf(styleformatvarargin)
% CPRINTF displays styled formatted text in the Command Window
% Syntax:
% count = cprintf(styleformat...)
% Description:
% CPRINTF processes the specified text using the exact same FORMAT
% arguments accepted by the built-in SPRINTF and FPRINTF functions.
% CPRINTF then displays the text in the Command Window using the
% specified style argument. The accepted styles are those used for
% Matlab‘s syntax highlighting (see: File / Preferences / Colors /
% M-file Syntax Highlighting Colors) and also user-defined colors.
% The possible pre-defined style names are:
% ‘Text‘ - default: black
% ‘Keywords‘ - default: blue
% ‘Comments‘ - default: green
% ‘Strings‘ - default: purple
% ‘UnterminatedStrings‘ - default: dark red
% ‘SystemCommands‘ - default: orange
% ‘Errors‘ - default: light red
% ‘Hyperlinks‘ - default: underlined blue
% ‘Black‘‘Cyan‘‘Magenta‘‘Blue‘‘Green‘‘Red‘‘Yellow‘‘White‘
% style beginning with ‘-‘ or ‘_‘ will be underlined. For example:
% ‘-Blue‘ is underlined blue like ‘Hyperlinks‘;
% ‘_Comments‘ is underlined green etc.
% style beginning with ‘*‘ will be bold (R2011b+ only). For example:
% ‘*Blue‘ is bold blue;
% ‘*Comments‘ is bold green etc.
% Note: Matlab does not currently support both bold and underline
% only one of them can be used in a single cprintf command. But of
% course bold and underline can be mixed by using separate commands.
% style also accepts a regular Matlab RGB vector that can be underlined
% and bolded: -[011] means underlined cyan ‘*[100]‘ is bold red.
% style is case-insensitive and accepts unique partial strings just
% like handle property names.
% CPRINTF by itself without any input parameters displays a demo
% Example:
% cprintf; % displays the demo
% cprintf(‘text‘ ‘regular black text‘);
% cprintf(‘hyper‘ ‘followed %s‘‘by‘);
% cprintf(‘key‘ ‘%d colored‘ 4);
% cprintf(‘-comment‘‘& underlined‘);
% cprintf(‘err‘ ‘elements\n‘);
% cprintf(‘cyan‘ ‘cyan‘);
% cprintf(‘_green‘ ‘underlined green‘);
% cprintf(-[101] ‘underlined magenta‘);
% cprintf([10.50]‘and multi-\nline orange\n‘);
% cprintf(‘*blue‘ ‘and *bold* (R2011b+ only)\n‘);
% cprintf(‘string‘); % same as fprintf(‘string‘) and cprintf(‘text‘‘string‘)
% Bugs and suggestions:
% Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)
% Warning:
% This code heavily relies on undocumented and unsupported Matlab
% functionality. It works on Matlab 7+ but use at your own risk!
% A technical description of the implementation can be found at:
% http://UndocumentedMatlab.com/blog/cprintf/
% Limi
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目录 0 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\
文件 652 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\README.md
文件 459603 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\ReadMe.docx
目录 0 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\
文件 24446 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\cprintf.m
文件 1162 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekf_err_ins_f.m
文件 552 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekf_err_uwb_h.m
文件 1333 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekf_ins_f.m
文件 542 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekf_uwb_h.m
目录 0 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\
文件 6412 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\Contents.m
文件 6193 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\Contents.m~
文件 18007 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\License.txt
文件 1071 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\Release_Notes.txt
文件 1070 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\Release_Notes.txt~
文件 1657 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\cd_transform.m
文件 1580 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\ckf_packed_pc.m
文件 1870 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\ckf_predict.m
文件 1340 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\ckf_transform.m
文件 2193 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\ckf_update.m
文件 3408 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\crts_smooth.m
目录 0 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\
目录 0 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\
文件 991 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\bot_d2h_dx2.m
文件 13168 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\bot_demo_all.m
文件 2490 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\bot_demo_loop.m
文件 804 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\bot_dh_dx.m
文件 585 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\bot_h.m
文件 8121 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\ckfs_bot_demo.m
文件 8389 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\ekfs_bot_demo.m
文件 8173 2018-08-26 13:51 demo_for_kalmanFilter-master\demo_kf\ekfukf\demos\bot_demo\ghkfs_bot_demo.m
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