%function [] = binary_bandit_exps(nBnPp_win)
% Duplicates the binary bandit experiments.
% Inputs:
% nB: the number of bandits
% nP: the number of plays (times we will pull a arm)
% p_win: p_win(i) is the probability we win when we pull arm i.
% Written by:
% --
% John L. Weatherwax 2007-11-13
% email: wax@alum.mit.edu
% Please send comments and especially bug reports to the
% above email address.
%close all;
% if( nargin<1 ) % the number of bandits:
% nB = 2000;
% end
% if( nargin<2 ) % the number of plays (times we will pull a arm):
% nP = 2000;
% end
% if( nargin<3 )
% p_win = [ 0.1 0.2 ];
% p_win = [ 0.8 0.9 ];
% end
% the number of arms:
nA = 2;
[dumbestArm] = max( p_win );
if( 1 )
% run the SUPERVISED experiment for two epsilon:
% 0 => fully greedy
% 0.1 => inbetween
% 1.0 => explore on each trial
epsArray = [ 0 0.1 ];
perOptAction = zeros(length(epsArray)nP);
for ei=1:length(epsArray)
tEps = epsArray(ei);
pickedMaxAction = zeros(nBnP);
for bi=1:nB % pick a bandit
% pick an arm to play initially ...
%arm = 1;
[dumarm] = histc(rand(1)linspace(01+epsnA+1)); clear dum;
for pi=1:nP % make a play
% determine if this move is exploritory or greedy:
if( rand(1) <= tEps ) % pick a RANDOM arm:
[dumarm] = histc(rand(1)linspace(01+epsnA+1)); clear dum;
if( arm==1 ) otherArm=2; else otherArm=1; end
% determine if the arm selected is the best possible:
if( arm==bestArm ) pickedMaxAction(bipi)=1; end
% get the reward from drawing on that arm:
prob = p_win(arm);
if( rand(1) <= prob ) % this arm gave SUCCESS keep playing it ...
% do nothing ...
else % this arm gave FAILURE switch to the other ...
arm = otherArm;
percentOptAction = mean(pickedMaxAction1);
perOptAction(ei:) = percentOptAction(:).‘;
% Learning with the L_{R-P} (linear reward penalty) algorithm:
alpha = 0.1;
if( 1 )
perOptActionRP = zeros(1nP);
%qT = zeros( nB nA ); % initialize to zero the probability this arm gives a success (no knowledge)
qT = 0.5*ones( nB nA ); % initialize to uniform the probability this arm gives a success (no knowledge)
pickedMaxAction = zeros(nBnP);
for bi=1:nB % pick a bandit
for pi=1:nP % make a play
% pick an arm based on the distribution in qT:
if( rand(1) < qT(bi1) )
arm = 1;
arm = 2;
if( arm==1 ) otherArm=2; else otherArm=1; end
% determine if the arm selected is the best possible:
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文件 5861 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\binary_bandit_exps.m
文件 791 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\binary_bandit_exps_sc
文件 5069 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\exercise_2_11.m
文件 590 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\exercise_2_11_sc
文件 4401 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\exercise_2_5.m
文件 4056 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\exercise_2_7.m
文件 1159 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\exercise_2_7_sc
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文件 777 2010-09-28 17:14 suntton强化学习书籍代码\Chapter 2 (Evaluative Feedback)\opt_initial_values_sc
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