simulation pso for wind mppt
% Bird_in_swarm=Number of particle=agents=candidate
% Number_of_quality_in_Bird=Number of Variable
% MinMaxRange: jx2 matrix; jth row contains minimum and maximum values of the jth variable
% say you have a variable N1
% which can have maximum value M1 and minimum value m1
% then your matrix will be [m1 M1]
% for more:
% [m1 M1; m2 M2; mj Mj]
% Food_availability=objective function with one input variable (for more than one variable you may use array)
% example for two variable
% function f = funfunc(array)
% a=array(1);
% b=array(2);
% f = a+b ;
% end
% Food_availability is a string for above example : ‘funfunc‘
% availability_type is string ‘min‘ or ‘max‘ to check depending upon need to minimize or maximize the Food_availabili
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1316 2020-09-29 13:41 license.txt
文件 5308 2020-09-29 13:41 Particle_Swarm_Optimization.m
- GAPSO 这个算法是遗传算法和粒子群优
- Peking_University_PSO_All_in_one 北京大学计
- SimuAPSO 模拟退火发与粒子群算法的结
- CLSPSO 混沌粒子群算法
- pso2835922
- pso-bp
- pso_matlab PSO算法
- Wind_Turbine
- MPPT-Buck
- MOPSO-matlab
- OptimalControlOfWindPowerGeneration 《风力发
- PSObpPpsorbf 粒子群优化神经网络的程序
- The-SPSO-testingprocedure 基本的粒子群程序
- pso 主要计算电力系统机组组合问题
- PSO_Load-Frequency-Control
- windmppt
- 33 混合智能算法:采用人工神经网络
- pso--PID 基于粒子群算法的PID控制器优
- GAPSO-for-PID-Design 本人毕业设计一部分
- Improved-MPPT
- PSO2727464
- ICA-wind-prediction 采用最先进的殖民竞争
- BP-wind-prediction 含NWP数值天气预报和不
- windfarm 本资料包括风电场一年内的风
- MOEA 几种多目标优化算法集合
- pso_3
- PSO 其中包含了PSO的所有改进算法
- fuuzy 程序是模糊MPPT控制
- PMSG000 PMSG风力发电仿真模型
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