function resImage = cleanSmallComponents(bwRectImage)
compImage = bwlabel(not(bwRectImage)8); % identifing connected components in the image
% now lets say together: ‘Thank you bwlabel !‘
% first component index is one.
last = max(max(compImage));
% now decide which component is noise component and which is a number
% How decision is made ? according to the percentage of the component from the whole plate
% from experiments :
% area_fact of yellow part : 0.7
% area_fact of number : 0.03 - 0.04
% all other less than 0.03 assumed to be noise or garbage
% hight_fact : 0.8
resImage = compImage;
for i = 1 : last
[IJ] = find(compImage == i); % here we get the indexes of the i-th component
% few measures to decide if it is a number or not
area_fact = length(I) / (s
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1622 2002-01-08 22:13 chepaishibie\cleanSmallComponents.m
文件 1591 2002-01-29 15:51 chepaishibie\CLPR.m
文件 232 2002-01-29 15:06 chepaishibie\CLPRdemo.m
文件 518 2010-04-29 23:16 chepaishibie\create_net.m
文件 567 2002-01-08 22:12 chepaishibie\cropByROI3.m
文件 240 2002-02-04 14:14 chepaishibie\demo.m
文件 78 2002-01-08 22:12 chepaishibie\digit2vec.m
文件 4363 2002-01-08 22:12 chepaishibie\extractDigitsImages.m
文件 967 2002-01-15 09:33 chepaishibie\filterNumbers.m
文件 3117480 2002-01-29 15:53 chepaishibie\images_vector.mat
文件 64936 2002-01-27 21:35 chepaishibie\net_low_resolution.mat
文件 450 2002-01-15 15:01 chepaishibie\quantizeImageREG.m
文件 298 2002-01-17 16:38 chepaishibie\recognize.m
文件 1104 2002-01-08 22:14 chepaishibie\RectangledBW.m
文件 1547 2002-01-14 13:59 chepaishibie\removeLines2.m
文件 1137 2002-01-08 22:14 chepaishibie\run_block2.m
文件 225 2010-04-20 14:02 chepaishibie\showpics.m
文件 637 2010-04-20 14:23 chepaishibie\testVector.asv
文件 637 2002-01-28 12:16 chepaishibie\testVector.m
文件 172840 2002-01-29 16:18 chepaishibie\unti
文件 126 2002-01-17 16:38 chepaishibie\vec2digit.m
目录 0 2010-09-02 22:50 chepaishibie
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3371595 22
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