function astardemo
%ASTARDEMO Demonstration of ASTAR algorithm
% Copyright Bob L. Sturm Ph. D. Assistant Professor
% Department of Architecture Design and Media Technology
% formerly Medialogy
% Aalborg University i Ballerup
% formerly Aalborg University Copenhagen
% $Revision: 0.1 $ $Date: 2011 Jan. 15 18h24:24$
n = 20; % field size n x n tiles 20*20的界面
wallpercent = 0.45; % this percent of field is walls 45%的界面作为阻碍物(墙)
% create the n x n FIELD with wallpercent walls containing movement costs
% a starting position STARTPOSIND a goal position GOALPOSIND the costs
% A star will compute movement cost for each tile COSTCHART
% and a matrix in which to store the pointers FIELDPOINTERS
[field startposind goalposind costchart fieldpointers] = ...
initializeField(nwallpercent); %初始化界面
% initialize the OPEN and CLOSED sets and their costs
setOpen = [startposind]; setOpenCosts = [0]; setOpenHeuristics = [Inf];
setClosed = [];
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