#include “Camera.h“
using namespace std;
_world_BLx = 0;
_world_BLy = 0;
_world_W = 1;
_world_H = 1;
_window_W = 100;
_window_H = 100;
_fb_W = 100;
_fb_H = 100;
_window = NULL;
Camera::Camera(double world_BLx double world_BLy
double world_W double world_H
int window_W int window_H
GLFWwindow* window)
_world_BLx = world_BLx;
_world_BLy = world_BLy;
_world_W = world_W;
_world_H = world_H;
_window_W = window_W;
_window_H = window_H;
_fb_W = window_W;
_fb_H = window_H;
_window = window;
void Camera::mouse_to_world(int mx int my double &wx double &wy)
int vx = mx;
int vy = (int)(_window_H - my);
viewport_to_world(vx vy wx wy);
void Camera::viewport_to_world(int vx int vy double &wx double &wy)
double x_fraction = vx / _window_W;
double y_fraction = vy / _window_H;
// cout << “fractions: “ << x_fraction << “ “ << y_fraction << “\n“;
wx = _world_BLx + x_fraction * _world_W;
wy = _world_BLy + y_fraction * _world_H;
void Camera::world_to_viewport(double wx double wy
int& vx int& vy) {
vx = (int)((wx - _world_BLx) / _world_W * _window_W + 0.5);
vy = (int)((wx - _world_BLy) / _world_H * _window_H + 0.5);
void Camera::begin_drawing()
glViewport(00 (int)_fb_W (int)_fb_H);
double half_W = _world_W / 2;
double half_H = _world_H / 2;
glOrtho(-half_W +half_W
-half_H +half_H
0 100);
glTranslated(-(_world_BLx + half_W)
-(_world_BLy + half_H)
void Camera::check_resize()
int width height;
glfwGetframebufferSize(_window &width &height);
_fb_W = width;
_fb_H = height;
void Camera::draw_grid(double minor_spacing double major_spacing)
double xy;
glLineWidth(1); // lines as thin as possible
glBegin(GL_LINES); // every two glVertex calls will draw a line segment
double left = (int)(_world_BLx - 1);
double right = left + _world_W + 3;
double bottom = (int)(_world_BLy - 1);
double top = bottom + _world_H + 3;
// the minor vertical grid lines
glColor3d(0.6 0.4 0.4); // darkish red
for (x = left; x <= right; x += minor_spacing)
glVertex2d(x bottom);
glVertex2d(x top);
// the minor horizontal grid lines
for (y = bottom; y <= top; y += minor_spacing)
glVertex2d(left y);
glVertex2d(right y);
// the major vertical grid lines: darkish green
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3625 2017-11-26 18:14 Camera.cpp
文件 1929 2017-11-03 14:11 Camera.h
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